Industry news – Page 121

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    Transport industry bodies plead for more coronavirus support in letter to prime minister


    The road transport industry has sent a joint letter to prime minister Boris Johnson pleading for extra help during the coronavirus pandemic to prevent “widescale business collapse that could reduce capacity by as much as 50%”.The letter, written by the RHA and co-signed by five other bodies representing road transport, ...

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    Motor Transport Awards moved to November 2020


    The 2020 Motor Transport Awards have been rescheduled to 17 November to minimise the risk of disruption due to the coronavirus.The biggest event in the road transport calendar was originally planned for 1 July and later postponed to 27 August but, with uncertainty remaining over when the government lockdown will ...

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    Moto closes more than half its M&S stores and trials hot food solution for HGV drivers


    Motorway service area provider Moto has closed 70% of its M&S stores within its network due to the lack of demand caused by people taking fewer journeys as the COVID-19 lockdown continues.Ken McMeikan, chief executive of Moto, explained that traffic during the week is down by two-thirds compared to last ...

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    Government confirms suspension of driver medicals amid mounting industry criticism


    Professional drivers renewing their licences will not have to worry about the D4 medical after the government finally agreed to relax the requirement following mounting criticism it was failing to act.Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced the temporary removal of D4 medicals would ensure that HGV drivers can continue their “vital ...

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    Public inquiries could use video conferencing software, claims lawyer


    Traffic commissioner public inquiries held via conferencing software could become a regular feature if the coronavirus lockdown continues for much longer, according to a road transport lawyer.Jonathan Backhouse, director at Backhouse Jones solicitors, said many of its hearings had been adjourned following a decision by the TCs to postpone them ...

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    Easing of drivers' hours rules extended to 31 May


    The current limited drivers’ hours relaxation has been extended until 31 May “in response to unprecedented pressures on local and national supply chains".The Department for Transport (DfT) announced last month that the blanket relaxation of the regulations would last until 21 April, but it has now extended this for another ...

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    "Workaround over driver medicals agreed but government dragging its heels," claims FTA


    The FTA has accused the government of "heel dragging" over its continued failure to confirm the suspension of D4 medicals for HGV drivers despite allegedly agreeing a workaround with the DVLA over a week ago.The news comes as truck drivers fear they will lose their licences because GPs and private ...

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    CNG and LNG sales hit record Q1 highs


    Sales of compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG/LNG) have hit record highs, with volumes more than doubling between Q4 2019 and the first quarter of this year, according to Gasrec.The fuel provider said the growth follows an influx of new trucks into the market running on the alternative fuels, with ...

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    DVLA delay on D4 medical decision condemned by HGV drivers


    Truck drivers in danger of losing their licences because GPs and private providers are no longer carrying out D4 medicals during the COVID-19 pandemic have accused the DVLA of throwing them to the wolves.Despite assurances from two Conservative MPs to their constituents two weeks ago that DVLA was about to ...

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    Government gives HS2 companies formal go-ahead to begin construction phase


    The government has given its formal approval for construction to begin on HS2, bringing much needed good news to the construction industry.HS2 Ltd, the public body tasked with overseeing the project, issued a ‘notice to proceed’ to the companies that will undertake construction of the railway.Notice to proceed marks the ...

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    HMRC to pay furlough wages from next week


    The government will start paying employers 80% of furloughed workers wages from next Monday (20 April), according to HMRC chief executive Jim Harra.Under the government’s furlough scheme, which is aimed at preventing redundancies during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, firms can furlough employees and apply for a grant that covers ...

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    Traffic commissioner public inquiries postponed until further notice


    All traffic commissioner public inquiries have been postponed until further notice in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.A spokesman for the Office of the Traffic Commissioner (OTC) said face-to-face hearings were all now postponed, with new hearing dates to be notified in due course: “Traffic commissioners have to ensure that hearings ...

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    COVID-19 "a huge industry wake-up call that puts many jobs at risk", claims tech expert


    The COVID-19 pandemic is a “huge wake-up call” for the transport and logistics sector and will provide the catalyst for automation, putting many jobs at risk.That’s the view of technology expert Paul Cuatracasas (pictured) who said the outbreak was a new form of disruption that will speed the development of ...

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    Whole supply chain must keep moving during lockdown, insists BVRLA


    Best practice advice for operators involved in the collection and delivery of vehicles has been produced to keep the supply chain moving during the lockdown.After the Department for Transport (DfT) wrote to the industry’s trade associations making it clear that the work of the logistics sector “should continue to the ...

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    Seek legal advice before furloughing transport managers, warns solicitor


    The traffic commissioners are scrutinising requests by operators to furlough transport managers and companies should seek legal advice first, according to Backhouse Jones solicitors.Director Jonathan Backhouse said guidance from the senior traffic commissioner outlined three scenarios in which a company may consider to furlough a transport manager – and firms ...

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    Tyres on mothballed HGV fleets need inspection, warns Michelin


    The tyres of HGVs that are being parked up due to COVID-19 should be inspected to prepare them for extended parking, according to Michelin.After a survey from the RHA revealed that around 240,000 vehicles are now laid up for the immediate future, Michelin engineers warned that tyres are not designed ...

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    London Direct Vision Standard and stricter enforcement of Low Emission Zone postponed until next February


    London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS) and stricter enforcement of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) have been postponed until February next year.Mayor Sadiq Khan said the four-month delay would allow the freight industry to focus on its core operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.Transport for London (TfL) has already suspended the current ...

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    Transport and warehousing firms share crisis management and social distancing strategies


    Maintaining social distance for truck drivers may be relatively easy to manage, but it’s more of a challenge for warehouse workers, as recent cases have proved...As panic buying eases, so too is the intense pressure being put on the warehouse operations of food retailers and distributors. But managing hygiene and ...

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    FTA offers vehicle inspection service for mothballed fleets


    The FTA can now offer mobile inspections for companies whose workshop facilities are not available during the COVID-19 lockdown.It said its vehicle inspection service remains operational for both members and non-members and that it was vital operators put measures in place now to start returning mothballed fleets to roadworthy condition.Experts ...

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    MT Awards shortlist 2020 announced


    The shortlist for the Motor Transport Awards 2020 has now been announced and DPD will be hoping to add to its tally of 29 awards, being shortlisted in no fewer than seven categories this year.Although the Awards presentation has had to be postponed until August 27, and the judging day ...