Read the latest opinions, analysis and views on the trends in road transport, haulage and logistics, from experts in the industry to the thoughts of our own team of experienced journalists.

Latest opinions


Don’t sit back and watch your business fail - take action


A report from November 2023 found that 463 haulage firms had gone bankrupt in the previous 12 months, and just over 6 months on, anecdotal evidence suggests the trend remains. Factors such as high debt servicing costs, fuel prices, wage growth, and consumer demands for technology and sustainability investments are ...


Creating safer vehicles on the UK’s ‘safest roads’


Designed to ease traffic flow on UK roads, smart motorways rely on technology to limit congestion and have been dubbed the UK’s ‘safest roads’. However, with technical issues causing frequent incidents, it’s not enough for fleet operators to rely on government technology alone. To truly safeguard drivers and vehicles and ...


Why developing electric trucks has become a risky business


The road to zero emissions for those currently operating in the logistics supply chain is paved with a multiplicity of product offerings from a worldwide manufacturing base. Unfortunately, many of the emerging EV commercial vehicle suppliers have failed, or run into difficulties, for a variety of reasons.


The importance of collaboration for our sector


As our industry faces unique challenges on a number of fronts, there’s much work happening and much work to do.