DSV has transferred its entire final mile fleet in London over to HVO fuel as part of a programme of sustainability initiatives.

The company has also installed an HVO bunker at its Purfleet site, which can hold 30,000 litres of the fuel. Its 40-strong final mile fleet covers approximately 2m miles each year.

It said implementing the use of HVO fuel would contribute up to a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions, whilst providing the same quality and service and it would be cost neutral for its customers.

DSV also said it was trialling CNG and electric vehicles at various locations.

John Hawksworth, DSV senior director, said: “The results of sustainability trials highlight the strides we are making towards DSV reducing our environmental impact whilst complying with the cleaner energy alternatives outlined on our decarbonisation roadmap.

“DSV are in a great place to achieve our carbon reduction targets in the coming years.

“The potential reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions demonstrate how effective HVO fuel can be for driving sustainability within our operations.

“This unique deployment and implementation of alternative fuel technologies in our operation is also a leap forward for our customers on their sustainability journey.”