DAF and Certas Energy have joined forces to launch a podcast which aims to debunk persistent myths around hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and encourage fleet operators to make the switch from diesel to HVO.

DAF marketing manager Phil Moon joins Certas Energy marketing manager Millie Jones on a new HVO podcast to explore why fleet operators are reluctant to make the switch and to address misconceptions around the fuel head on, from the perspective of one of Europe’s largest truck manufacturers.

Research has shown HVO can slash greenhouse gas emissions from a vehicle by as much as 90% compared to standard diesel, and is fully compatible with the majority of diesel engines.

Despite this fleet operators and drivers are not embracing the fuel as enthusiastically as they could, according to the partnership.

The first episode of Certas Energy’s new podcast series, HVO on the Road is now available and sees Moon and Jones discuss some of the lesser-known benefits of HVO, why they outweigh the cost premium, DAF’s experience on its own fleet, and what operators can do to ensure they buy the right HVO, with complete traceability.

Moon said: “When we first started talking about HVO six years ago, people couldn’t believe there was such a readily available alternative to diesel with almost none of the operational downsides.

“From our experience at DAF, running on HVO is less troublesome. All DAF trucks can run on it and there’s no implication on warranty. All our trucks from 2017 onwards have been tested against HVO operations in line with the Euro 6 emissions legislation.

“The beauty about HVO is that it’s a diesel drop-in replacement, so you can switch between the two. If, for whatever reason, you decide it’s not for you, you can simply stop using it. You can use it one week and not the next, it makes no difference.”

Jones added: “HVO is a newer fuel to the industry which leads to many misconceptions. Fleet operators who dismiss HVO because of unfounded concerns miss out on the fastest, easiest way of lowering fleet emissions.

“It’s been great having DAF on board for our podcast to debunk those myths and to hear all the benefits they’ve seen when using HVO on their own fleet.”

The podcast can be streamed for free on Spotify.