Industry news – Page 217

  • Transport@OCADO 2

    Ocado fulfilment centre to open in February


    Online grocery retailer Ocado has said its second customer fulfilment centre in Dordon, Warwickshire, will commence operations in February next year.Equipment installation at the warehouse is almost complete and testing has been underway since May, the firm confirmed. The project "remains in line with budget", it said.The retailer, which also ...

  • Pall-ExTruckJune12

    Pall-Ex European growth plan remains on course


    Pall-Ex’s ambitious European expansion plan remains on track, despite the economic volatility gripping the Continent, deputy MD Cris Stephenson has said.Pall-Ex has set itself the target of having a 15 country-strong network of European franchisees by 2015.Stephenson confirmed its European expansion was “on track, and unchanged”.He said pallet networks’ inherent ...

  • Transport@Norbert trailer

    News Extra: Will it be super in the end?


    A new report claims UK operators could make significant savings if they were allowed to add overlength vehicles to their fleets.A new study published last week suggested that allowing the use of ‘super’ semi-trailers could save the haulage industry £226m a year in reduced running costs.Such findings appear to strengthen ...

  • Picture by All rights reserved.Fortec Pallet

    Fortec gains Investors in Excellence


    Pallet network Fortec has achieved The Investors in Excellence Standard.It joins the likes of DHL Supply Chain within the road transport sector, and professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, credit checker Experian and manufacturer Bombardier beyond.The standard is a framework to help businesses assess their performance and improve it.Ian Nield, chief executive ...

  • SFL_MilitaryProg_launch

    Minister praises SfL's military recruitment drive


    Roads minister Stephen Hammond has praised Skills for Logistic’s (SfL) “innovative” new initiative to recruit armed forces personnel into the road transport sector.Speaking at the official launch of the Military Transitions to Logistics programme at London’s Imperial War Museum earlier this month, the minister added: “I’m delighted to be a ...

  • Motorway_shutterstock

    News Extra: It’s all about the money


    There’s a funding issue to be addressed in 2013 according to the transport commissioners’ annual reports, but operators aren’t expected to foot the bill. Roger Brown reports.Senior traffic commissioner (TC) Beverley Bell said her top priority during the coming year will be to hold talks with Vosa chiefs to ensure ...

  • FFUK outside parliament

    MPs vote against 3ppl fuel duty rise suspension


    MPs voted against a suspension on the proposed 3ppl fuel duty rise yesterday (12 November), despite pressure from Labour MPs, Tory backbench campaigners and lobbying from FairFuelUK (FFUK).A Labour-led motion to suspend the proposed increase in January to at least April was defeated 282 votes to 234. FairFuelUK claim ...

  • Transport@Flegg  XF105  X1

    Operators must prove they want extra apprenticeship funding


    Skills for Logistics (SfL) has called on operators to make the case to government for a funding boost for apprentices to ensure a pipeline of talent for the future.Following a meeting last week between Matthew Hancock MP, minister for skills at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and ...

  • Dick Denby

    Logistics director calls for super semi-trailers to be part of DfT trial


    The European logistics director at Kimberly-Clark believes operators should push the DfT to introduce "super" semi-trailers into in its longer semi-trailer trial.Peter Surtees, European logistics director at Kimberly-Clark, was speaking after the publication of a University of Huddersfield report on high capacity vehicles (HCVs) last week.Impact Assessment: High-Capacity Vehicles, which ...

  • Scania in Langdons livery

    News Extra: Back loads essential to viability of Scottish long haul routes


    The rising cost of fuel and improving load-fill are challenges that all UK hauliers are faced with. But for those that run long-distance routes in and out of Scotland, the need to improve vehicle utilisation in a market where freight traditionally flows in to Scotland, with very little exported to ...

  • Scania-Fuel-Card

    Scania's fuel card offers members bulk purchasing benefit


    Scania has launched a fuel card based on cooperative principles, allowing operators to benefit from the bulk purchasing discounts usually reserved for the largest players in the sector.The Scania Fuel Card is administered by The Fuelcard People, with Scania buying fuel direct on members' behalf to enhance the purchasing power ...

  • VOSA on the M25

    Operators invited to submit evidence for Vosa inquiry


    Operators have been invited to supply evidence to support an inquiry by the Transport Committee into the work of Vosa.Issues to be covered by the select committee include: what can be done to improve the standards of foreign-registered trucks operating in the UK; how the agency can better support the ...

  • Motorway_shutterstock

    Government urged to ringfence cash from HGV road user levy


    Pressure is mounting on the DfT and Treasury to ringfence the money raised by the HGV Road User Levy for the benefit of the road transport sector.The levy, which could begin in April 2014 if approved by Parliament, and will see operations pay a daily charge of up to a ...

  • FairFuelUK deilver report to The Treasury, Whitehall, UK. 29.10.2012 Quentin Wilson delivers a report prepared by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research for FairFuelUK to give to Danny Alexander Chief Secretary to the Treasury claim...

    FairFuelUK gets duty rise message across to Treasury officials


    Treasury minister Danny Alexander has pledged to review FairFuelUK’s (FFUK) economic report, which shows that the planned 3ppl duty rise in January will result in 35,000 job losses and reduce GDP growth by 0.1%.During a landmark meeting yesterday (29 October) with FFUK and its major backers the FTA and RHA, ...

  • recession-grwoth

    Raising fuel duty will destroy jobs and hinder economic growth


    The government’s planned 3ppl fuel duty rise scheduled for January will result in 35,000 job losses and reduce GDP growth by 0.1%, FairFuelUK (FFUK) told the Treasury today (29 October).A detailed report produced for FFUK by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) reveals that as a result ...

  • VOSA on the M25

    Vosa clamping down on illegal drivers without Initial Driver CPC


    Vosa is cracking down on LGV drivers who took their test after September 2009 and are driving illegally because they have not acquired their Initial Driver CPC.Drivers who acquired their LGV licence before September 2009 have until September 2014 to get their Driver CPC, by completing 35 hours of periodic ...

  • crime hijack

    Reborn Truckpol gaining momentum but questions remain


    The reborn TruckPol intelligence service is gaining momentum and financial backing, according to National Business Crime Forum (NBCF) vice-chairwoman Jean Mountain.Mountain, who chaired a second meeting of the forum, which has resurrected TruckPol, told MT the Business Crime Intelligence Bureau, which works alongside the NBCF, had begun feeding information about ...

  • Fuel guage

    FairFuelUK prepares for face-to-face with the Treasury


    FairFuelUK (FFUK) has secured a meeting with chief secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, on Monday (29 October) to discuss the 3ppl duty rise planned for January.The meeting will include senior Treasury officials and RHA chief executive Geoff Dunning, and will focus on the findings of economic research funded by ...


    News Extra: Demise of the backload?


    Backload rates are so bad that some operators are wondering if they’re worth taking.Is the era of backloads coming to an end? It certainly sounds like it for some operators, judging by comments MT has heard recently. The issue, of course, is that the rates being handed out for many ...

  • Foreign trucks at Dover

    Lorry road user charge details revealed


    The lorry road user charge is moving closer to fruition, with transport minister Stephen Hammond scheduled to set out the details of the government’s proposed HGV Road User Levy Bill this afternoon (23 October) in a parliamentary debate.Hammond is using a ‘ways and means’ motion to get the bill heard ...