Industry news – Page 213

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    Operators warned to check diesel temperature


    Operators should check the temperature of their bulk diesel deliveries, as hot fuel may be costing them as much as 1ppl, according to Neil Robertson, sales and marketing director at independent fuel supplier Prax Petroleum.Fuel volume is measured at a standard 15C, so if fuel is delivered at, say, 18C ...

  • UK Pallets trucks on the road

    Head of UK Pallets takes early retirement


    UK PalletsThe head of UK Pallets has left the business after more than seven years in his role, has learnt.Terry Richards, who was previously MD of parent company Business Post (now UK Mail) joined the pallet division as MD in November 2005.This week (4 March) Graeme Wilson, UK Pallets ...

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    40 MPs sign FFUK letter urging the chancellor to cut fuel duty


    FairFuelUK and its backers were joined by 100 MPs at the Houses of Parliament on Monday [4 March], where 40 MPs signed a letter calling upon the chancellor to cut fuel duty.The letter, which appeared in The Times today, was signed by MPs including Robert Halfon, Conservative MP Caroline Nokes ...

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    Pallet networks commended over work on load-restraint guide


    A prime mover in the development of vehicle load security rules has praised pallet networks and their members for their response to the issue.Nina Day, senior engineer at the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), told MT the pallet network sector’s engagement and the resulting constructive dialogue means the burden of ...

  • Beverley Bell speaking at Search Consultancy event

    Drivers ignorant of rules says senior TC Bell


    There is a huge amount of ignorance among drivers over the drivers’ hours rules and tachograph regulations, says senior TC Beverley Bell.At a debate organised by recruitment agency Search Consultancy last month, she told operators that most of the drivers she encounters do not understand the rules.“You’re not very good ...

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    TfL sets up dedicated Freight Delivery Unit


    Freight has been given greater prominence by TfL with the creation of a free-standing Freight Delivery Unit.Led by Ian Wainwright, TfL’s road freight programme manager during London 2012, the new unit will work closely with industry partners to build on the lessons learned from the Games."Freight is being taken more ...

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    FTA and RHA welcome the introduction of HGV Road User Levy Act


    The FTA and RHA have welcomed the HGV Road User Levy Act, which became law yesterday (28 February).From April 2014, all LGVs weighing more than 12 tonnes will be charged up to £1,000 per year to use Britain’s roads. UK operators will be compensated through a reduction in VED, of ...

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    OFT continues investigation into sale of Mercedes vehicles


    The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has confirmed it is still investigating two further alleged infringements of competition law, as part of the investigation it began in 2010 into Mercedes-Benz UK and five of its commercial vehicle dealers.Last week the OFT revealed it had reached a settlement with Mercedes-Benz ...

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    Online retailers should increase number of delivery options, says GFS


    Global Freight Solutions (GFS) has called on online retailers to increase the number of delivery options they offer consumers and consider using more third party carriers, as demand from internet shoppers and pressure on carrier capacity continues to grow.The GFS Review 2012 shows that B2B volumes fell by 2% ...

  • TfL has set up a dedicated Freight Delivery Unit

    FTA call on chancellor to cut fuel duty, while ensuring HGV levy is fair


    TfL has set up a dedicated Freight Delivery UnitBoth the FTA and the RHA have now urged the chancellor to prioritise cutting fuel duty and ensuring the HGV Road User Levy does not negatively impact on UK operators.Revealing its submission ahead of the Budget next month, the FTA said it ...

  • fuel pump in tank

    Bulk diesel price on course for record high


    fuel pump in tankThe average price of a litre of bulk diesel is just 0.75p off the all-time record set at the end of March last year, according to a survey of Road Haulage Association members.Nick Deal, manager of logistics development at the RHA, explained that the falling exchange ...

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    OFT hits Mercedes-Benz and three CV dealers with £2.6m fine


    Mercedes-Benz and three of its commercial vehicle dealers – Ciceley, Road Range and Enza - have admitted infringing competition law and agreed to pay settlements totalling £2.6m, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has revealed.A fourth dealer, Northside, has also admitted infringing competition law but will avoid any fine due ...

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    International operators could face higher ferry prices


    Cross-channel rail services supplier Groupe Eurotunnel has said it will challenge the Competition Commission over its provisional findings that passengers and freight customers could face higher prices because of its expansion into ferry services on the Dover-Calais route. The Competition Commission said yesterday (19 February) that it believed Eurotunnel’s ...

  • Wincanton was one of the first operators to have an LST on the road

    DfT holds out for longer-semi trailer adoption


    Wincanton was one of the first operators to have an LST on the roadThe DfT has said a decision will be made in due course on the rigidity of the December deadline for operators to take up their allocations of longer semi-trailers as part of the government’s 10-year trial.It comes ...

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    European backload rates fall


    International operators suffered due to weak rates during Christmas 2012 due to the recession across most of the Continent, according to an online international backloads service.The latest Freightex European Road Freight Rate Index, based on the price paid per load between November 2012 and January 2013, revealed that rates ...

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    Vote on truck noise leaves current limit in place


    Proposals to reduce the maximum noise limit of heavy trucks have been rejected by a plenary session in the European Parliament. Although MEPs in the EU Parliament’s Environment Committee approved a proposal in December that would see most newly registered heavy road-going trucks restricted over an eight-year period to a ...

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    RHA urges chancellor to consider diesel prices and rates in Budget


    Rates pressure, diesel prices and lorry road user levy revenues are among the points the RHA wants the chancellor to consider ahead of the Budget (20 March).Rates remain a ‘key concern’ , with members noting that a significant increase in fuel prices would not push them to raise rates as ...

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    Do you deliver at night?

    2013-02-13T15:03:00Z would like to hear from any operators and retailers that currently make or receive deliveries at night.Perhaps you tried out-of-hours deliveries for the first time during the Olympics and are now continuing to operate outside of the traditional delivery window. You may transport goods in a specific sector that ...

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    Lack of innovation thwarting operators' push for better rates


    New research suggests operators’ expectations of growth this year could be hamstrung by a lack of innovation within the road transport sector.The latest UK Logistics Confidence Index, conducted by Analytiqa, for Barclays and Grant Thornton reveals that more than half of respondents (53%) expect profits to increase in the next ...

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    Deadline for Everywoman in Transport and Logistics extended


    The deadline for entry into the FTA Everywoman in Transport & Logistics Awards has been extended.Those seeking to enter the competition, which recognises the achievements of women within logistics, now have until 5pm on the 18 February to do so.Maxine Benson, co-founder of Everywoman, said: “The annual awards, sponsored this ...