Industry news – Page 131

  • Article

    HGV sales start to 'rebalance' in Q3 after H1 boom


    Truck registrations over 6 tonnes fell 13.1% to 8,557 in Q3 2019 as the market “rebalanced” after higher than usual sales in H1, according to the SMMT.However 3-axle tractor units remained popular, with sales down only 2.5% to 3,623. The big losers were rigid trucks below 16 tonnes, with volumes ...


    CNG Fuels to supply biomethane from cow manure to power HGVs


    CNG Fuels has announced plans to become the UK’s first supplier of renewable biomethane from cow manure for lorries, to help operators achieve net zero emissions.The company said it was also consulting on how its network of refuelling stations can accommodate low carbon and battery electric technologies for HGVs, for ...

  • nakedimage

    Road network to feature 'naked highways' by 2027


    Road signage will be eliminated in less than a decade as self-driving vehicles emerge and digital infrastructure is built, according to the UK’s umbrella organisation for self-driving technology, Zenzic.So-called “naked highways” will become a feature of the road network from 2027, according to Zenzic, which also said new planning guidance ...

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    Tevva welcomes breakthrough in battery technology


    Commercial EV company Tevva has welcomed a technological breakthrough in the US which enables rapid charging of batteries, potentially adding 200 miles of driving time.Scientists said they have discovered a way for vehicle batteries to take in 400Kw of energy in just 10 minutes, overcoming a major hurdle currently surrounding ...

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    RHA calls on new government to put road freight top of transport agenda


    The RHA has called on political parties to put road freight at the heart of transport policy making ahead of the general election.Its election manifesto has highlighted five key areas which it says must be addressed to keep the economy moving: transition to net zero; the skills shortage; infrastructure investment ...

  • GerryKeaney

    'Ring fence freight scrappage fund,' urges BVRLA


    The next government must establish a new, ring-fenced freight scrappage fund to help operators working within Clean Air Zones (CAZ) to upgrade their lorries, according to the BVRLA.The rental and leasing organisation has produced a seven-point manifesto, which it said provides “clear, costed policy measures that will help tackle air ...

  • Tim Peake

    Astronaut Tim Peake the keynote speaker at FTA's Future Logistics Conference 2020


    British astronaut Tim Peake will be the keynote speaker at the FTA's Future Logistics Conference, to be held at ITT Hub 2020 in Farnborough on 13 and 14 May.Peake was the first British astronaut to visit the International Space Station. He is also a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) ...

  • cleveland bridge Oct 2019_0

    Work on Cleveland Bridge will add 50 miles to journeys


    Bath City Council has been urged to complete repair work on the A36 Cleveland Bridge as soon as possible after a diversion was put in place for trucks that adds 50 miles to a driver’s journey.The council said a temporary 18-tonne weight restriction would be in place from January “as ...

  • Smithywood warehouse

    Consent for speculative 343,000sq ft development in Sheffield granted


    Developer PLP has gained planning consent for a 343,000sq ft speculative warehouse at Smithywood Business Park in Sheffield and plans to begin construction before the end of this year.PLP development director Matthew Fitton said that the nature of the location, adjacent to Junction 35 of the M1, gave the company ...

  • Boleyn Recovery

    Government to investigate impact of management agency fees on rising cost of roadside vehicle recovery


    A government review is to investigate claims by recovery operators and hauliers that soaring vehicle roadside recovery costs are being driven by the high level of fees taken by the managing agencies running the schemes for Highways England and the police.The review, led by the Home Office, is set to ...

  • Article

    Hauliers will bear the lion's share of the cost of Bristol CAZ, FTA warns


    Hauliers will be left picking up the bill if Bristol City Council gets the go-ahead to allow private cars free access to most of its Clean Air Zone whilst charging non-compliant HGVs £100 a day, the FTA warned this week.The warning follows the publication of the council's Clean Air Zone ...

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    Operation Brock to be stood down as Brexit deadline extended


    Operation Brock, launched yesterday in preparation for a no-deal Brexit, will be stood down as soon as possible, Highways England has confirmed.The announcement follows EU's agreement to extend the Brexit deadline until the end of January 2020.Under Operation Brock, HGV traffic is managed on one side of the M20 heading ...

  • Article

    As London HGV Safety Permits come up for grabs transport associations slam scheme as an "expensive distraction"


    As TfL kicks off the process for hauliers to apply for their London HGV Safety Permits today, the RHA and FTA continue to voice serious concerns over the scheme.Hauliers have a year from today (28 October) to apply for the permits, as part of the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) which ...

  • Article

    Better educate drivers on how to use smart motorways and enforce penalties more strictly, says logistics industry


    The haulage industry is calling on the government to make smart motorways safer by educating drivers on how to use them and ensuring that those drivers that fail to observe the rules are fined rather than warned.The call follows transport minister Grant Schapp's decision to launch an enquiry into driver ...

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    Artificial intelligence will make big difference to road transport, predicts Samsara


    Artificial intelligence [AI] will be a major focus for fleet operators in the years ahead, according to technology specialist Samsara.The company is best known for its tachograph solution, available as part of an all-in-one fleet management platform.However, speaking to at Samsara’s newly-opened offices in central London, senior director of ...

  • Article

    No-deal contingency measures for hauliers extended until end of July 2020


    The FTA has welcomed yesterday's (24 October 2019) news that the EU has approved the extension of two contingency measures by another seven months to maintain road haulage and air connectivity in the event of a No Deal Brexit.Sarah Laouadi, the FTA’s European policy manager, explained that the agreements will ...

  • FTA Logistics Awards 2019 winners

    Transport minister hails industry at FTA's Logistics Awards 2019


    The logistics industry is to be applauded for keeping Britain trading in uncertain times according to a leading government minister.Addressing guests at the FTA’s Logistics Awards 2019 at the Park Plaza hotel in Westminster, Baroness Vere of Norbiton, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Transport, congratulated the logistics industry ...

  • HumberPort-Port-of-Hull

    'Border Force has ignored our fears over stowaways,' insists RHA


    The RHA has accused Border Force of ignoring the industry’s longstanding concerns about stowaways attempting to enter the UK and the lack of support for HGV drivers.Richard Burnett, chief executive for the RHA told BBC Radio 5 Live that Border Force was not on top of the situation: “My sense ...

  • BYC2

    Hauliers weigh up cost impact of post-Brexit re-routing


    The ports of Liverpool, Heysham and Sheerness could mitigate problems caused by bottlenecks in the Dover Straits following Brexit - despite warnings from hauliers about the considerable re-routing costs.Their owner, Peel Ports, said each had the capability to limit the impact on trading stemming from the UK’s departure from the ...

  • Grant Schapps web

    UK logistics is ready for no-deal Brexit promises transport secretary Grant Shapps


    The government is committed to delivering Brexit on schedule on 31 October with or without a deal, transport secretary Grant Shapps MP told the RHA parliamentary reception last night.Appointed by Boris Johnson when he became prime minister to replace the widely disliked Chris Grayling, Shapps was described as a “breath ...