Andy Scott has purchased Barnack Storage and Logistics in Orton Southgate, Peterborough for an undisclosed sum.

Scott bought Bison Transport last autumn and plans to combine the businesses.

Barnack Storage employs 80 people and runs a fleet of MAN trucks, curtain side trailers and 18-tonners.

It has 180,000sq ft of ambient and chilled warehousing, and serves customers in both the food and non-food sectors.

“We are really pleased to add Barnack to our portfolio and are looking forward to combining the business with Bison which is just two miles down the road,” said Scott.

The combined fleet will be around 70 vehicles strong.

Manchester law firm Clarke Willmott assisted Scott with the deal.

Scott has secured a multi-million pound acquisition facility with his bankers Coutts, according to a statement issued with the latest acquisition, to fund a further three to five purchases over the coming year.