The scale of freight sector support for the industry-led LoCITY programme is a “real achievement”, according to a top TfL official.

LoCITY is a five-year programme that began in 2016, supported by TfL, to help the freight industry make the transition towards adopting more low-emission vans and HGVs on their fleets.

Speaking ahead of next week’s LoCITY Conference taking place at Freight in the City Expo in London where more than 1,400 delegates have already signed up to attend, TfL director of city planning Alex Williams, said: “It's a real, real achievement: the scale of the network, the scale of involvement, the sharing of ideas and the desire to move to the next level of innovation and improvements to vehicle design and driver behaviour.

“This is fundamentally the most impressive part of the whole programme.”

At the LoCITY Conference, Williams will talk about TfL’s work in delivering the mayor’s draft transport strategy, alongside the roll-out of the capital’s Ultra Low Emission Zone in April 2019.

Fleet operators will also learn what new LoCITY tools are available to help them with their vehicle buying decisions and hear about R&D work taking place across the programme’s working groups.

“There are some excellent individual components to the programme, such as the vehicle finder tool or the LoCITY driving elements, but I think the thing that is so impressive is having so many people involved for the right reason: because they want to improve the way that freight operates in the city,” said Williams.

"We know that LoCITY is delivering significant benefits and it is key that we publicly celebrate the partnership and the programme’s successes. This is essential if we are to increase public awareness and communicate effectively with the industry."
