Opinion – Page 8

  • Carl-Milton

    Fit safety systems in the factory


    As an operator it’s frustrating to purchase new trucks and still have to fit additional safety features, now often mandated to work in the city centre construction sector, which are not currently available to be installed or supported by the manufacturer.New trucks have wiring looms cut into, additional cables run ...

  • Peter-Scraton

    Try innovating like Silicon Valley


    Peter Scraton Operations Director, ArrowXLAs the world’s leading technology centre, Silicon Valley is brimming with innovation – not just from a hardware or software point of view, but in terms of how it solves problems. One example of this is “design sprints”, a five-day process developed by former ...

  • MTR_240619_012

    Back to school to fill skills shortage


    Trevor Edden MD, TWE HaulageAt TWE Haulage we face the same driver recruitment and retention issues as everyone else. I’m a big believer in training and developing young talent and yet I’ve been frustrated for years with the sector’s apprenticeship offerings. So I decided to go back to the way ...

  • Chris-Fenton-1

    Transport leaders’ drive for digitisation


    Chris Fenton MD, Industrial and transport, WincantonAs we enter the ‘fourth industrial revolution’, we are beginning to reap the benefits of digital technologies in the supply chain, from cloud-based transport management systems and artificial intelligence through to 3D printing and fleet telematics. Digitisation of the supply chain – whether in ...

  • Jason-Whitworth

    Performance is cause for optimism


    Jason Whitworth M&A partner, BDOWhen it comes to merger and acquisition activity in the logistics industry, 2019 was always going to herald tough conditions.However, while transport and logistics companies are right to remain cautious, it isn’t all doom and gloom. Our latest ‘Logistics and Supply chain management quarterly review’ ...

  • Article

    Don't dismiss the value of driver medicals after Doctors on Wheels incident, says Dr Grant Charlesworth-Jones


    Following the Doctors on Wheels incident that has seen DVSA refuse to accept driver medicals conducted by the firm, Dr Grant Charlesworth-Jones, medical director of D4Drivers, sets out why operators shouldn't dismiss the value of a check-up conducted correctly.With the average age of an HGV driver in the UK nearing ...

  • Chris Fenton

    Transport leaders and the drive for digitisation


    As we enter the ‘fourth industrial revolution’, we are beginning to reap the benefits of digital technologies in the supply chain, from cloud-based transport management systems and AI, through to 3D printing and fleet telematics. Digitisation of the supply chain is a challenging process but one that presents opportunities if ...

  • Article

    Diversity in the workforce is essential to sector's success


    Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are key to a thriving and successful logistics sector, says Lesley O'Brien, Freightlink Europe and Freight Train.Today (8 March) is International Womens’ Day, when women throughout the globe celebrate. I love supporting and celebrating the success of my female colleagues.It is almost 3 ...

  • Sally Gilson

    Apprenticeship Levy monies must be freed up for vital training


    The Treasury has to act quickly to release some of the £83m the logistics industry has paid in the Apprentice Levy between April 2017 and March 2018 to help fill the skills gap as the UK heads for Brexit on March 29, says FTA head of skills Sally Gilson.The levy ...

  • Article

    No deal Brexit ‘catastrophic’ for UK supply chain


    As confusion continues in Westminster over the shape of the UK’s future relationship with the EU, the FTA is urging politicians to find a solution which supports businesses so that Britain can keep trading effectively with its biggest market, the EU. As the clock counts down to March 29 when ...

  • Tim Doggett - November 2017

    Delivering Brexit success


    Britain’s ‘imminent’ departure from the European Union may have sparked huge debate across the UK logistics sector, with concerns of significant challenges throughout the international supply chain, but Brexit could also be a catalyst for change for the better for the industry, according to Clugston Distribution director Tim Doggett.Despite the ...

  • Robert_Hardy

    No deal doesn't have to mean delays if we work together


    Robert Hardy, director, Oakland InternationalWith Brexit hanging in the balance and the prospect of no deal remaining very real, it would be sensible to plan for such. There is always talk of delays at Calais but we do not subscribe to this negative way of thinking as UK customs have ...

  • Patrick Gallagher

    Logistics can no longer ignore environmental measures


    Patrick Gallagher, CEO, CitySprint GroupFrom April 2019 the world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will come into effect in central London, with an extended north-south ULEZ announced for 2021.At CitySprint, we believe the introduction of government initiatives such as the T-charge and the ULEZ are necessary steps in combating ...

  • Article

    Love the lorry, it would be a poorer world without them


    This week is National Lorry Week, designed to promote the road transport industry and the vital service it provides.But why wouldn’t we love the lorry? For those of us working in transport the appreciation of the lorry is a given, it’s our livelihood.Changing the perception of the general public though ...

  • NGVN

    Stop demonising diesel - just give us the facts


    Just when you thought the ‘demonisation’ of diesel was well and truly dead and buried, as most people now understand that Euro-6 diesels are extremely clean, a press release from the Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance lands in my email inbox.Headlined “Government’s Clean Air Strategy ‘airs’ on the side of caution ...

  • Article

    Come and join four middle-aged blokes suffer for Transaid


    With 2019 being one of the hottest and driest summers on record, chances are June 2019 will see torrential downpours and strong winds. But don’t let that put you off signing up for Transaid’s latest and possibly greatest fundraiser – a 972-mile cycle ride across Britain from Land’s End to ...

  • apprentice compass

    Should we be worried about the apprenticeship levy?


    Skills for Logistics MD David Coombes questions whether the industry should be concerned by the slow take up of the levy, almost a year after it was launched. So it’s nearly a year since one of the biggest taxation changes in a generation (levy payroll tax).The levy is set ...

  • Michael Conroy

    Palletforce looks to broader horizons for profitable growth


    Palletforce has a continual focus on growth, and our business strategy centres on creating capacity to enable our members to grow, writes Michael Conroy, CEO of Palletforce.Thanks to the financial firepower from our owners, EmergeVest, we were able to invest more than £65m last year – in infrastructure, a new ...

  • Article

    Why the road transport industry needs International Women's Day


    International Women's Day and 100 years since women obtained the right to vote. Should these events have a place in a transport magazine? My view is that most certainly they should. The transport industry portrays very much a male image, which is understandable, given that less than 10% of the ...

  • Blockchain-Image-3

    What is blockchain anyway?


    Image: WhiteHat SecuritySo what is this blockchain and do I need to worry about it? According to the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), the not-for-profit innovation hub in Milton Keynes, blockchain “is the distributed ledger technology (DLT) behind Bitcoin [with] the potential to revolutionise many areas of the digital world, including ...