Bretts Transport in Wisbech has introduced a modelling strategy to streamline its consolidation process, cutting overall mileage and its carbon footprint.

The haulier said it had already paid significant dividends in “chipping away” its fuel usage and had reduced emissions by 6%.

The modelling has helped increase the quantity of pallets being delivered to each destination and therefore reduced unnecessary deliveries.

And it says it is on course to cut emissions by an additional 3%.

Bretts’ transport manager Wayne Minney said: “Our new modelling strategy is an exciting next chapter for the business, and we are confident that the impressive savings we’ve already achieved from our model will act as a launch pad to our ascent towards net zero whilst at the same time securing the sustainability of the business.

“This approach has also provided increased flexibility to customers enabling them, for example, to transport larger volumes less frequently, resulting in fewer trips. Through changing the way we operate, we’re essentially making every mile count.”

The company said it would also be introducing automated real-time KPI reporting over the coming years, which would provide customers with insights into performance metrics, offering transparency and streamlining the business’ reporting processes.

Minney added: “From our standpoint it’s crucial to follow the curve while also staying ahead of it, and that’s essentially what we’re doing here.”