Industry news – Page 165

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    Third Heathrow runway met with cautious welcome by transport associations


    The decision to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport has been tentatively welcomed by the industry. While the general consensus is that it was the correct decision, there remain uncertainties that need clarification, according to road transport representatives.The decision to expand Heathrow was announced today (25 October) after years ...

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    Road haulage trailblazers given final go ahead as government confirms apprenticeship funding


    The HGV driver training apprenticeship has been given the official go ahead with the government’s confirmation of apprenticeship funding today. The department will fund 100% of apprenticeship training for companies with fewer than 50 employees taking on candidates aged 16-18, as well as committing more than £60m of funding for ...

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    HMRC "considering" low pay allegations against Hermes


    HMRC has responded to MP Frank Field’s call for an investigation into low pay at Hermes, stating it had referred his evidence to the “appropriate compliance teams for consideration”. Field sent HMRC information last month, which he claimed was evidence of the courier failing to meet minimum wage requirements for ...

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    EU-funded road upgrade in Belfast halted post-referendum


    A road upgrade programme in Belfast, which was to be largely funded by the EU, has been put on hold following the referendum.The upgrade of the York Street interchange, used by 100,000 vehicles every day, was planned to improve air quality and traffic flow, as well as make journey times ...

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    FFUK demands independent watchdog for fuel prices


    FairFuelUK (FFUK) is demanding the creation of an independent watchdog to monitor pricing and transparency at the pumps, amid warnings that the cost of fuel could hit £1.43/44 for diesel.The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Fuel held its annual general meeting earlier this week and new FFUK chairman, Charlie Elphicke, ...

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    No HGV Road User Levy review, says DfT


    The DfT has denied that it is looking to replace the HGV Road User Levy with a distance-based road user charge for HGVs.The response came after the RHA issued a release stating that the review of the HGV road charging system had been confirmed by Duncan Price.Price is DfT divisional ...

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    Prologis developing largest speculative build since UK's vote for Brexit


    Prologis is developing the largest speculative build since the UK’s referendum on EU membership, a 275,000ft² DC at its Marston Gate site.Located next to the 151,000ft² national DC that Prologis is building for furniture retailer Dwell, the speculative facility will complete the second phase of Prologis Park Marston Gate, which ...

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    Industry must unite on Brexit wishes, says MP


    The industry must present its Brexit wishes to government with a united voice in the lead up to the UK’s exit from the EU, MP Rob Flello has said. Speaking at Motor Transport’s Brexit Debate earlier this week, the MP for Stoke-on-Trent South (pictured) said government would only listen to ...

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    Andy McDonald retains shadow transport secretary role


    Middlesbrough MP Andy McDonald has retained his post as shadow transport secretary, surviving the latest Labour party cabinet reshuffle.McDonald took on the role in June after Labour’s Nottingham South MP Lilian Greenwood resigned the post in protest at Labour chief Jeremy Corbyn’s style of leadership.The role of Labour shadow transport ...

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    Motor Transport Podcast: Direct Vision Standard and DHL's UK Mail acquisition


    The MT team is back in the podcast studio after a summer break, and if you're ready for a hit of the latest news being dissected and discussed, the latest Motor Transport Podcast will not disappoint. In this episode, Christopher, Chris and Emma chat about London Mayor Sadiq Khan's newly ...

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    Has the EU won the HGV Road User Levy battle?


    Revisions could be made to the UK’s flagship HGV Road User Levy to make it compliant with EU rules, a source said this week.The claim followed a “positive” meeting last month between the European Commission (EC) and DfT officials.It comes after the commission’s decision in April to begin formal legal ...

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    O-licence financial standing levels could increase by 15%


    The level of financial standing standard O-licence holders will have to demonstrate is likely to increase in 2017, due to the drop in the value of the pound against the euro.The FTA estimated that the financial standing rate will increase by around 15% from 1 January, taking it from £6,650 ...

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    Express delivery manager trailblazer gets green light


    A new trailblazer apprenticeship standard for managers in express delivery companies has been given the green light by BIS. The Institute of Couriers submitted the application for the standard earlier this year in light of increasing demands on the e-retail sector.The newly-approved apprenticeship model will take the form of a ...

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    Direct Vision Standard is no "silver bullet" to tackling HGV and cyclist collision, say industry bodies


    The mayor’s Direct Vision Standard plans that will ban ‘off-road’ specification lorries from entering the capital by 2020 should be part of a balanced approach to tackling road safety, and not just penalise the road haulage sector, trade associations have said.Sadiq Khan revealed today that TfL’s Direct Vision Standard will ...

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    Transport Committee accuses DfT of "blatantly ignoring" all-lane running safety fears


    The Transport Committee has accused the DfT of “blatantly ignoring” its recommendations in regards the roll out of all-lane running across the motorway network, which one MP has said will “get people killed”.The committee slammed the government’s plans for 300 miles of all-lane running in July, labelling the move a ...

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    Government must not delay trailblazer apprenticeship start date, says RHA


    The government must avoid any “distraction or dilution” from the trailblazer apprenticeships as the April 2017 start date approaches, the RHA has said. RHA national director of policy Jack Semple urged the government to keep the momentum going on the trailblazers, and to have them in action by next April.This, ...

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    Exclusive video: Mercedes-Benz talks Urban eTruck


    This Urban eTruck might look like it belongs in a science fiction film, but not so according to Mercedes-Benz UK Truck MD Mike Belk. In this exclusive short interview Belk tells Commercial Motor editor Will Shiers that the future is closer than we think. He also reveals what’s likely to ...

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    Compliance costs set to rise regardless of Brexit, warns Chemical Business Association


    The cost of regulatory compliance for operators that specialise in chemical distribution will continue to rise, as Brexit will not be able to offer any significant regulation changes in the sector, according to the Chemical Business Association (CBA).A survey of CBA members found that almost four-fifths (79%) did not expect ...

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    Hermes in the spotlight over use of self-employed couriers


    An HMRC investigation into Hermes’ use of self-employed couriers could have implications for the entire parcels sector, according to an industry expert.The carrier is facing the threat of investigation after a series of articles by the Guardian newspaper, and later a report from Frank Field MP, claimed it was mistreating ...

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    Freight minister promises to be 'radical' in promoting industry interests


    John Hayes MP, the minister for state at the DfT responsible for freight and logistics, has promised that he will be “much more radical” in building the status of the road transport sector as a vital part of the British economy.Speaking at the launch of the RHA’s National Lorry Week ...