ArrowXL has won a delivery deal with training equipment supplier Johnson Health Tech UK.

It will be responsible for the home delivery of around 2,500 Johnson Health Tech UK products a year - mainly treadmills and exercise bikes.

The training equipment supplier said ArrowXL had won the contract on the basis of its “cost-effective” delivery method, combined with customer service levels and its ability to scale up its service to meet Johnson Health Tech’s projected five-fold growth this year.

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Simon Woodward, Johnson Health Tech UK’s operations director, said: “As we have continued to grow it became clear that we needed to partner with somebody who already had experience within this market sector and would be able to hit the ground running, but also provide the infrastructure to support any changes or curve-balls that may appear in changing market conditions. ArrowXL has the experience and expertise to provide us and our customers with the high level of service we require.”

Craig Kavanagh, sales director at ArrowXL said: “Johnson Health Tech UK is a fast growing fitness equipment company and we are proud to be playing such a pivotal role in their ongoing success. We know how much care and attention goes into the Johnson operation, and our delivery service will mirror that effort."