MT awards 2018-135

It could be you - enter the 2019 MT Awards

The 2018 Motor Transport Awards took place on 4 July and Royal Mail and Whirlpool UK Appliances each picked up two awards at a ceremony hosted by Jimmy Carr and Rachel Riley in London’s Grosvenor House Hotel.

They weren’t the only winners, with Stephen Sanderson Transport taking home Haulier of the Year; the MAN TGX winning Fleet Truck of the Year, and Turners (Soham) MD Paul Day wining the Service to Industry Award. Anne Preston, director of Prestons of Potto and Scania Hall of Fame inductee, received an ovation after a stirring speech about fun, the road transport family and the government’s need to get a move on with Brexit.

Twenty awards were given out to the cream of the road transport crop, while Carr and Riley kept the audience royally entertained, and guests danced the night away after another fantastic event.

You can watch the highlights on Motor Transport TV, sponsored by the RHA. The next Motor Transport Awards take place on 3 July 2019! See you there.