The Scottish Transaid Dinner, which was derailed by the Covid-19 pandemic, is back on track, taking place at the Bothwell Bridge Hotel, near Hamilton, on the evening of Thursday 15 September 2022.

The fund raising charity dinner has been organised by a committee headed by recently retired Scottish Traffic Commissioner Joan Aitken, who is now the Transaid national chair, and  includes Nicola Robertson of  Scottish haulage firm Malcolm, and Grangemouth-based Lynsey Mitchell, Scotland’s Transport Woman of the Year 2022.

Aitken said: "The original date we had planned for this event was in June 2020 but of course the arrival of the Covid pandemic put paid to that and it is only now we can resurrect the concept of the Scottish Transaid Dinner.

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"Also, it is no coincidence that it will be held this September, the month four years ago when Transaid fundraiser Jayne Gray from H&R Gray Haulage in Stirling was so tragically killed in a Zambia Cycle Challenge.

“I am very pleased that the dinner will be supported by Transport News (Motor Transport's sister paper), for after all, it was their popular Rewards Breakfast, that launched Transaid into the industry domain and over the years arguably made it the recognised industry charity.”

For further information on the event, contact Lynsey Mitchell at