
Decarbonisation 9th Web header 1920px

The heavy commercial vehicle road freight sector is facing a massive period of change as it prepares for a low/zero carbon future. With the phase-out of diesel-powered trucks, now in the sights of the UK legislators, this is no longer a topic which can be ignored and there is a need for action from all areas of the sector.

The activities of the COP26 Climate Conference last year and the associated UK government announcements, has signalled a determination from the politicians and legislators to drive the UK transport sector to a zero carbon future, laying out clear milestones for the next 20 years. To facilitate change the transport and logistics industry is acting to prepare the vehicles, the infrastructure and the operating models which will be required for the new zero carbon future.

Join us at the Motor Transport Decarbonisation Summit in November, where we will discuss these big challenges and start building the road map for a more sustainable industry.

The Decarbonisation Summit will include a range of speakers, panellists and workshops to ensure it is an interactive, thoughtful and valuable day for all our delegates

09 November 2022 – Rum Warehouse, Liverpool

08.30: Registration

09.20: Why are we here? Welcome from the Conference Chair

09.30: Statement on behalf of industry – Justin Laney, JLP

09.45: Keynote presentation/Government response – Transport Minister

10.10: Panel Discussion “The State We’re In” – Panel facilitated by Chair with representatives from energy, infrastructure and operations (Philip Fjeld, Zach Burns, Sam Clarke)

10.45: Panel Discussion “Who Pays – the economics of freight decarbonisation” - Panel discussion facilitated by Motor Transport Editor, Steve Hobson exploring the issues of funding the shift.

11.15: Comfort Break

11.30: Workshop streams commence – Energy & Infrastructure, Vehicles, Operations, New Horizons. Delegates will have the opportunity to participate in two 45-minute workshops, from the choice of the four following sessions

  • Energy & Infrastructure (Lead BP) – looks at alternative energy sources, network developments, power and refuelling challenges
  • Vehicles (Lead: Scania) – reviews the commercial vehicle development landscape
  • Operations (Lead: The Algorithm People) – interoperability of vehicles, logistics patterns, buildings development, resources and talent
  • New horizons (Lead: Dawsongroup) – what does a carbon zero freight industry look like; what’s on the horizon for road freight operations of the future, covering supply chain collaboration, future vehicle funding, risk, “truck as a service” business models, new operating solutions in a fast-changing environment

Content partner – WSP

13.00: Lunch

14.00: Commercial vehicle solutions – Peter Forsberg, Head of eTruck Solutions Scania AB

14.30: Spotlight speaker – keynote speaker (Ollie Craughan, DPD) presents project/activity progress, followed by Interview/Q&A

15.00: Panel discussion “Feel the Power” – focus on energy ecosystems (TBC, Dawson Power Solutions; Graeme Cooper, National Grid; David Horsfall, Tysley Energy Park; Giles Jones, Liverpool City Freeport)

15.40: Chair’s summary and closing remarks

15.45: Conference closed – networking reception and refreshments

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