Unite and Morrisons are set to return to talks later this month in a bid to resolve a dispute over the transfer of drivers and vehicle maintenance staff to 3PL Wincanton, mototransport.co.uk can reveal.

Following a meeting between the stakeholders last week (12 July) – the fourth such meeting – Unite, Morrisons and Wincanton are due to return to discussions on 22 July.

Unite described last week's talks as constructive, although it added that it was yet to receive a detailed response to the decision to outsource the driver jobs at Wakefield, Stockton & Gadbrook.

It is understood to be seeking assurances that the roles once transferred will be protected, as will the individual’s places of work and the number ultimately employed.

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According to the union, Morrisons management has said that there are no plans to outsource warehouse jobs at the locations.

Trouble flared when the supermarket chain announced that it would be outsourcing a sizeable slice of its transport operation, alongside several vehicle maintenance departments, to Wincanton as part of a five-year deal, last month.

The affected staff are due to transfer to Wincanton in August as part of this arrangement. Following a consultative ballot last month, Unite has warned that there is support among its members for a ballot for industrial action including a strike.