Industry news – Page 184

  • Article

    Scottish Government rejects call for congestion charging


    The Scottish Government has rejected a call from the Committee on Climate Change to introduce congestion charging to curb greenhouse gas emissions.The committee’s call was made last week in its fourth report on Scotland’s progress towards meeting emissions reduction targets. In it, the committee noted that emissions from HGVs accounted ...

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    DfT launches out-of-hours delivery advice to get public buy-in for the concept


    The DfT has launched Quiet Deliveries guidance to help local communities and residents understand how out-of-hours deliveries work, the benefits they can provide, and how they can get involved in the planning process.Advice complements an existing series of guides put together for other stakeholders considering out-of-hours deliveries, such as freight ...

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    Theo de Pencier joins reformed Highways Agency watchdog's board


    FTA chief executive Theo de Pencier is to join transport watchdog Passenger Focus, the organisation that will be scrutinising the performance of Highways England, which goes live next month.De Pencier will begin a four-year term at the organisation, which will be renamed Transport Focus, on 1 May.He will step down ...

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    Transport for the North to invest in multi-modal freight and logistics


    Transport for the North (TfN) - a regulatory body covering transport throughout the north of England - has been created in a bid to improve the transport connections between cities in the region.TfN will develop plans for road, rail and freight links between Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Hull and Newcastle, ...

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    Government to address HGV driver shortage


    The government will “look into funding support” for hauliers to recruit and train new drivers as part of George Osborne’s 2015-16 budget plan.The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s budget report, released today, states that the government intends to “work with road haulage firms on an industry led solution to the driver ...

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    Fortec opens new Cheshire hub


    Fortec is to open a new hub in Warrington, expanding its capabilities in the north of England.The new hub will be used initially by 15 Fortec members based in the north and Ireland, who will move 10% of the network’s volume at the outset with a view to expanding this ...

  • Humber Bridge

    Failure to build bridges and tunnels damages economy, say MPs


    The Humber BridgeThe Transport Committee has criticised successive governments for failing come up with long-term plans for bridge and tunnel projects, claiming that it has inhibited economic growth.The cross-party group of MPs also said a lack of political leadership meant that the Dartford Crossing, linking the M25 across the Thames, ...

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    Trailblazer apprentice standards submitted for approval


    The logistics sector’s Trailblazer apprentice scheme standards have been completed and sent for approval to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. The three level-two Supply Chain apprenticeships are LGV Driver, Warehouse Operative, and Operative and have been developed by employers to ensure they provide business-relevant training for students looking ...

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    TfL disappointed that more London Boroughs don't mandate Fors


    TfL has admitted it is “disappointed” that only 16 London Boroughs are currently Fors-accredited, and that a number of London Boroughs and other bodies including the Metropolitan Police continue to use sub-contractors who are not Fors-accredited. “It is disappointing that not all London Boroughs are following the industry in improving ...

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    Safety first: Construction Logistics and Cycle Safety summit


    Sir Peter Hendy, commissioner at TfL, opened the fourth meeting of the Construction Logistics and Cycle Safety (Clocs) initiative with an admission: “I did not expect this activity to grow as quickly as it has.”He added later in his keynote speech: “You all work on relatively thin margins but you’re ...

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    DVSA exploring Earned Recognition for operators


    The DVSA is looking at the potential of an Earned Recognition process for operators. A spokesman told MT: “We are working with the industry to identify opportunities for the adoption of an Earned Recognition process. Last year we held a Voice of the Customer event and we are in regular ...

  • UKBA

    Stowaway finds almost doubled in 2014


    The number of clandestines detected by Border Force almost doubled last year, according to the Home Office, although it refused to confirm how many were discovered at individual ports.The government said that in 2014 there were 1,463 stowaways found at UK ports and on board ferries.There were 782 discovered in ...

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    London Boroughs Consolidation Centre given the green light


    The London Boroughs Consolidation Centre (LBCC) is to go ahead, with the search for a long-term logistics partner for the scheme due to start within weeks. A successful LBCC trial – led by Camden Council, alongside the boroughs of Enfield, Waltham Forest and Islington – has seen more than 80 ...

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    MPs back £100m HGV driver training fund bid


    Two-thirds of MPs support the idea of granting £100m of government funding to train new truck drivers to address the shortfall, exclusive ComRes research commissioned by and the RHA has found.The survey asked 150 MPs whether they would support the allocation of £100m in government funding over the next ...

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    Full Report: CVS and Richard Lawson found not guilty of fraud


    Two directors and two managers of Commercial Vehicle Solutions (CVS) have been cleared of the charges of fraud they faced at Leeds Crown Court.The jury also found co-accused Richard Lawson, MD of Spirit Auto Logistics and successor Spirit Motor Transport, not guilty of a charge of fraud.At the start of ...

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    Transport rates only fractionally higher than in 2012


    Road transport rates have hardly moved over the last three years, provisional new data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown. According to the ONS’s latest Services Producer Price Indices, rates for freight transport by road at the end of 2014 were no higher than at the end ...

  • PotterGroup(older)

    Labour stays silent on rail freight plans


    The Labour Party has told it cannot comment on how its plans to change the rail franchising system might affect rail freight services, if it were to come to power after the general election in May. Labour’s statement followed comments in February by shadow transport secretary Michael Dugher, who ...

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    Richard Lawson and CVS found not guilty at Leeds Crown Court


    Two directors and two managers from Commercial Vehicle Solutions have been found not guilty of fraud at Leeds Crown Court.In November of last year, CVS MD Martin Collins, sales director Richard Gosling and managers Bruce Lawrie and Tim Edwards pleaded not guilty to conspiring to defraud the traffic commissioners of ...

  • Transport Exchange Group dashboard

    Online dashboard revealed by Transport Exchange Group


    Transport Exchange Group has launched an online dashboard for owner-operators.The dashboard is available to individual members of its Haulage Exchange and Courier Exchange brands and allows them to advertise vehicle availability and return journeys, as well as give them an overview of recent booking activity and feedback. It also includes ...

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    Don't demonise diesel authorities are urged


    Government and local authorities have been urged not to “demonise diesel” but to develop a national framework instead to encourage the take up of modern, clean diesel trucks.The call came at a conference on air quality held by vehicle manufacturers’ association the SMMT.While alternative fuels and drivetrains are available, diesel ...