Industry news – Page 123

  • legal scales of justice

    Fatal crash prompts calls for increased roadside checks on vans


    The FTA is calling for a major increase in roadside checks on vans to raise standards in the sector.The call follows a court case this week which found welding contractor Renown Consultants guilty of failing to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, following a deadly accident ...

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    HGV drivers on extended hours need fatigue monitors, safety consultant warns


    HGV drivers working longer hours under new COVID-19 rules should be supplied with government-subsidised fatigue monitors to avert a rise in road accidents.The warning comes from road safety firm SmartWitness in the wake of the government’s emergency order which has eased drivers’ hours rules to allow round-the-clock deliveries of food ...

  • Leeds Skelton Lake Services Aerial

    New £64m Leeds Skelton Lake Services opens at junction 45 of the M1


    Extra MSA Group has opened the first phase of its new £64m Leeds Skelton Lake Services.The new motorway service area, which is located at Junction 45 of the M1, two miles east of Leeds, opened its doors this week but has been forced to limit its offering to essential services ...

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    COVID-19: What now for hauliers?


    In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, Motor Transport looks at the ways operators can build new business and benefit from government support schemes. John Kendal reports.The government recently announced a range of measures for businesses, providing loans, tax deferrals, sick pay and other support for COVID-19 affected workers.Like so ...

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    Police raid on Burnley DC finds no evidence of social distancing breach


    Fashion brand Boohoo’s Burnley distribution centre (DC) was raided by police this morning (31 March) after alleged claims the company had breached social distancing measures introduced by the government during the COVID-19 crisis.However, Boohoo confirmed the police left “without needing to take any action or make any recommendations” and hit ...

  • Commercial-Motor-webinars

    Free webinar on relaxing driver hours during the coronavirus outbreak - register now


    Have you heard about the temporary relaxation of drivers hours and want to know more?Motor Transport's sister title, Commercial Motor is hosting a free webinar in association with Aquarius about this dramatic change in tachograph legislation.The additional measures being put in place by the Government and the relaxation of the ...

  • police truck

    Travel relating to logistics businesses is essential and should not be challenged, government tells police


    All travel relating to the operation of logistics business has been designated as essential travel by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.The confirmation comes after both RHA and FTA complained to government officials that logistics workers were being challenged by police and other officials while trying to get to work ...

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    February sees UK commercial vehicle production grow for first time in five months


    UK commercial vehicle production for the domestic market returned to growth in February this year, following five months of decline, according to the latest figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).Output rose by 14.6% in the period, with 3,279 vans, trucks and buses built for UK operators.In ...

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    TfL "considering postponement" of Direct Vision Standard


    Transport for London (TfL) has told a postponement to the Direct Vision Standard is being kept under consideration as concerns grow that manufacturers will struggle to fulfil vehicle orders.Following its decision to suspend all London road charging schemes, a TfL spokeswoman said a decision on the planned introduction of ...

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    Safe Loading Pass Scheme expiry dates extended until 25 July


    Expiration dates for the Safe Loading Pass Scheme (SLPS) have been extended until 25 July in order to help hauliers continue to run smoothly during the COVID-19 pandemic.Administered by the FTA, the SLPS identifies the vehicles and trailers that meet the safety standards required for admittance to fuel and gas ...

  • Article

    RHA seeks evidence of problems facing hauliers to support lobbying


    The RHA is actively exploring options to help hauliers through the COVID-19 crisis with government ministers. These include immediate cashflow injections, enforced payment holidays with leasing companies, banks and fuel suppliers and further measures to protect employees’ wages to safeguard our critical driver workforce both now and for when volume ...

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    Giving staff leave on 80% of salary won't work for haulage sector, critics claim


    Hauliers have demanded the government explains how its system for paying employees 80% of their salaries is going to work following concerns that it isn’t flexible enough to deal with their industry.Ian Barclay, operations director at Roger Warnes Transport in Kings Lynn, said the idea of furloughing its workforce – ...

  • Empty shelves - shutterstock

    COVID-19: "Help sectors under most pressure," transport lawyer urges hauliers


    A specialist transport lawyer has urged hauliers to switch strategy if their work isn’t essential to the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.He advised operators with spare capacity to offer their services to the sectors that needed it most, including supermarkets and pharmaceuticals.Transport workers are among those on a government list ...

  • Article

    Renewable fuels for combustion engines the quickest way to decarbonise HGVs


    Renewable fuels are "one of the most rapid and economically viable" ways to decarbonise HGVs, according to the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP).Its new 'Renewable fuels guide' says these green fuels can immediately cut greenhouse gas emissions from commercial vehicles for which few other solutions are currently available to help ...

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    GMB London calls for social distancing measures for refuse staff


    Reuse services union GMB London has called for immediate social distancing measures to be put in place to ensure the safety of refuse service staff.Despite new government lock-down measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, crews have reportedly been instructed to carry on work as normal, which the union said "cannot be ...

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    COVID-19: FTA requests extension to transition period for leaving EU and suspension of clean air zones and Direct Vision Standard


    The FTA has requested an extension to the current transition period for leaving the EU in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic.It has also asked ministers to consider suspending the implementation of other legislation which will affect logistics operators in the short term.This includes the expansion of the London-wide Low ...

  • Magnitude 312

    Gazeley to almost double its Magna Park logistics site


    Gazeley has announced plans to expand its Magna Park Lutterworth logistics park from 9 million sq ft to 16 million sq ft.The company has the potential to increase the southern side of the park by 2.8 million sq ft and is already developing three speculative units of 300,000 sq ft, ...

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    Industry bodies hit out over lack of hygiene facilities for drivers and delivery workers


    Transport industry business groups have demanded that adequate hygiene facilities, including hot and cold running water, are available to all drivers and warehouse operatives delivering to, or collecting from business premises.In a joint statement, FTA chief executive David Wells, RHA chief executive Richard Burnett and Unite national officer Adrian Jones ...

  • Print press

    Motor Transport to go digital-only as printers close down


    Due to the current coronavirus crisis we may have to distribute copies of Motor Transport digitally for a short period.This will mean that we would send you a link to the magazine via email. We have email addresses for most registered readers but if you think you may not have ...

  • DrivingontheRoad

    Protect vulnerable workers or risk prosecution, operators warned


    Operators allowing or pressuring vulnerable employees to work during the COVID-19 pandemic could face HSE prosecution, a leading law firm warned this week.The warning was made during a webinar on the impact of new government emergency measures to tackle the pandemic on operators’ businesses.The webinar, organised by law firm Backhouse ...