Decarbonisation – Page 22

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    Don’t adopt England’s “inflexible" CAZ framework, RHA warns Wales


    Hauliers are calling on the Welsh government not to follow England in creating “expensive” and “inflexible” clean air zones.The RHA made the call this week as officials from the National Assembly of Wales launched an inquiry into air quality.Chris Ashley, RHA environment and regulation policy chief is warning the Welsh ...

  • FreightLab cycle freight

    Logistics firms to test drive new ways of delivering freight in London


    Transport for London (TFL) has teamed up with ten firms including Ceva Logistics, DPD, Gnewt by Menzies and UPS to launch London FreightLab.The initiative, which aims to make road freight movement in London safer, cleaner and more efficient, will offer funding and land sites for up to six innovative ideas ...

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    Deputy mayor joins drive for lower emissions at LoCITY conference


    Deputy London mayor for environment and energy, Shirley Rodriguez, has pledged her support to the drive towards lower emission commercial vehicles.The keynote speaker at the fourth annual LoCITY clean air conference at the Oval in London on 25 September, Rodriguez told delegates the programme continues to be very successful and ...

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    Brexit will not see an end to clean air zones, government confirms


    The government has stated that a no-deal Brexit would not see the repeal of legislation requiring the UK to introduce clean air zones to bring urban air quality up to EU standards.Local authorities have blamed central government for implementing EU directives for the clean air zones (CAZs) that could see ...

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    Charging polluting private cars to enter CAZs offers greater economic benefits


    Clean air zones could deliver £6.5bn of economic returns but only if polluting private cars are banned and the government boosts its funding for the schemes, according to research commissioned by a group of council leaders.An analysis carried out by financial consultants CEPA on behalf of UK100, which represent 14 ...

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    Learn all about Scottish clean air zone plans at free roadshow


    Freight operators delivering into Scotland are invited to attend a free half-day workshop to learn how plans for Low Emission Zones (LEZs) in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee will affect them.Scotland’s four biggest cities have all been tasked with introducing LEZs by 2020, with further cities expected to come on-board ...

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    Government slammed for passing the buck on air quality


    The UK government has been accused of ‘passing the buck’ over clean air policies and ignoring practical solutions to reduce emissions.Addressing the inaugural Pro Tect Solutions conference on compliance at the Haynes Motor Museum in Somerset, Howard Cox, a founder of FairFuelUK (FFUK), said the government’s refusal to own and ...

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    Clean air zone: Southampton residents oppose mooted £100 HGV charge


    Charging non-compliant HGVs £100 to enter Southampton’s clean air zone (CAZ) is excessive, according to many of the city’s residents.The results of a consultation on the council’s CAZ proposals published this week, show that of 7,624 respondents, 1,067 (14%) said the proposed charge for HGVs was too low, 2,973 (39%) ...

  • Nottingham council house shutterstock

    Nottingham's Clean Air Zone rejection opens door for other cities to follow suit, says FTA


    Government support for Nottingham’s decision to reject plans for a charging clean air zone (CAZ) had opened the door for other cities to follow its example, according to the FTA.The call follows approval by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) for Nottingham’s plans to cut the city’s ...

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    Debate: What does a low- or no-carbon future look like for road transport?


    Photo: Richard MannA recent Motor Transport roundtable debate sponsored by Fraikin looked at what will a zero-emissions truck look like as we start off down the 'Road to zero'.Steve Hobson, editor, MT: Good morning and welcome to this roundtable on low emissions vehicles. To my mind there are four distinct ...

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    Government tells Leeds to think again over plans to aid hauliers affected by clean air zone


    The government has told Leeds City Council to resubmit its bid for a clean air zone (CAZ) after rejecting a request for £27m to help hauliers upgrade their non-compliant vehicles.Leeds had asked the government for a total of £40m to fund its CAZ of which £27m was earmarked to help ...

  • Derby map shutterstock

    Derby rejects plan for clean air zone, opting for traffic management instead


    Derby City Council has rejected plans for a clean air zone, after residents and businesses voted “overwhelmingly” for a traffic management system to cut emission levels in the city.Almost three quarters (73.6%) respondents to the city’s public consultation voted for a traffic management system, compared to 27.5% for a charging ...

  • Stephen Timms MP East Ham discusses Hermes electric vans

    Hermes likely to introduce electric vans nationwide after London success


    Hermes looks set to introduce electric vans fleets across the country, after successfully running a fleet of them in London during the past months.The parcels firm has had 32 Nissan eNV200 vans working on multi-drop deliveries within London’s Congestion Charge zone for the last two months.Speaking to MT Hugo Martin, ...

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    DfT preparing for national roll out of lane rental scheme to cut congestion


    The government is now considering the national roll out of a lane rental scheme, which could see councils charge utility companies up to £2,500 a day for carrying out roadworks at peak times.The decision follows the successful piloting of the lane rental scheme by Kent County Council and TfL, which ...

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    What effect will a low emission zone in Glasgow have on hauliers?


    First minister Nicola Sturgeon announced in October last year that Glasgow would become the first city in Scotland to establish an LEZ in a bid to eliminate air pollution hotspots.Transport Scotland has said it intends to have the Euro-6-level LEZ in place by the end of this year, and that ...

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    Red Route price hike will unduly penalise those delivering goods into London


    TfL's plans to increase penalty charges for vehicles stopping illegally on London’s Red Routes will penalise freight operators and could drive up delivery costs across the capital.The warning came from the FTA, which expressed “bitter disappointment” after TfL revealed its intention to increase Red Route PCNs from £130 to £160.The ...

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    £220m Clean Air Fund to help local authorities tackle air pollution


    A new Clean Air Fund will give financial support to local authorities attempting to address air pollution in their areas.The £220m fund, announced by Philip Hammond in the Autumn Budget, will be paid for by higher Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) on diesel cars bought after 1 April 2018.Hammond emphasised that ...

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    Hauliers face period of unprecedented change, says Innovate UK


    Hauliers face the biggest change to how they do business since they left behind the horse and cart, according to Innovate UK’s Venn Chesterton.Speaking to delegates in the first seminar session at the Freight in the City Expo today (7 November), the ultra low emission vehicle lead at Innovate UK ...

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    No freight deliveries to Oxford Street's west side from the end of 2018


    London’s Oxford Street West is set to become a no-go area for road freight under plans unveiled by London mayor Sadiq Khan today.These latest proposals on freight deliveries are part of TfL’s wider plan to create a traffic-free area between Orchard Street and Oxford Circus. The Mayor wants to see ...

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    Mayor confirms Ultra Low Emission Zone will start in April 2019


    London mayor Sadiq Khan has confirmed his plan for an earlier start date for an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).In a statement today, TfL confirmed that the ULEZ would start on 8 April 2019 in central London requiring HGVs to meet Euro-6 emission standards and petrol-powered vehicles Euro-4.The ULEZ will ...