Britain may lose the power it needs to make international trade deals when it leaves the EU, according to the chief executive of Advanced Supply Chain.

Speaking the morning after the UK voted to leave the union, Mike Danby said: “Being part of the EU brought with it a collective power we needed to make international trade deals; Britain will now be a smaller international player, up against the US, EU and China in international negotiations.

“Even though we are a big economy, we’re not anywhere near close to the 500m population of the EU.”

He added that Brexit will hinder the industry with “unnecessary headwinds”.

"The judgement has been made by, in my opinion, an electorate who were treated to a decidedly poor and untruthful (on both sides) electoral process,” said Danby, “but, we must be determined and resolute, and continue to grow our business at home and internationally.

"We have always embraced change and innovated to new reflect new demands on our business, and that will still be the case outside the EU."

He added that his primary concern for the end-to-end logistics business, was to make sure the business is prepared for the new trading environment will introduce to the UK.

He said: “We need to ensure our business and our people continue to thrive.”