TruTac swipes right with all-new app 1

TruTac has launched a new driver app that links up all the software firm’s products in one place.

The TruTac app represents a complete overhaul of the former TruChecks system, which in addition to the core vehicle walkaround checking function, now also includes closer integration with TruTac’s other software products.

Operators and drivers that rely on TruAnalysis, TruTime and TruDocuments Premium can now access all those systems through the TruTac app.

It added that in addition, it will send data from walkaround checks direct to the TruFleet system, making it easier for fleet maintenance planning and minimising vehicle downtime.

TruTac said new features on the app also include clearer notifications, an accident reporting system, an updated traffic reports page and a new light and dark mode. It is also available on both Android and Apple platforms.

Jemma James, TruTac MD, said: “It’s fully configurable and scalable according to the modules the company has live.

“A decade ago, it was really just about doing walkaround checks. That’s grown hugely to enable access to the document library, uploading documents, requesting holidays and a whole host of other integrated features.

“Because of the changes in technology on both the Apple and Android platforms, rather than tweak the app, we wanted to make a completely new one. It now has additional security features, greater configuration and more functionality.”