CM 11.06.15XPO Logistics drawbar combination

XPO Logistics has added a further 100 trucks and 78 trailers to its fleet – bringing its total vehicle parc in the UK primarily dedicated to specific customer contracts to 1,747 vehicles and 3,144 trailers.

The 86 tractor units and 16 rigids, joining its contract logistics network, will be leased from an unnamed supplier and are “a combination of MAN and Daf” a spokeswoman said.

She could not provide further details on the split between the different marques or the model of vehicle taken. However, she added that the 78 new trailers are “all Don-Bur manufactured”.

Last month XPO held a ceremony in Renault Trucks Square in Lyon to announce a “tens of millions of euros” investment in new Range D and Range T trucks over the next two years.

The business, via its 2015 acquisition of Norbert Dentressangle, has a long-term relationship with the manufacturer.

Malcolm Wilson, managing director for European supply chain at XPO, said: “Our commitment to state-of-the-art, environmentally sound transportation is at the heart of our service to customers. This investment in modern, class-leading vehicles will also ensure that our drivers continue to have the latest in comfort and safety technologies.”