Cenex has launched an online van cost and carbon calculator tool to enable fleet decision-makers to explore if low-carbon vehicles could be feasible for their operations

The VC3 system computes the economic and environmental performance of diesel, electric, gas and stop-start van technologies, based on real-world driving scenarios.

“By providing a realistic whole-life cost, the VC3 de-risks the implementation of low carbon fleet solutions,” said Steve Carroll, technical specialist at Cenex. “The tool is based on real-world driving cycles, meaning it predicts real-world fuel consumption. This level of accuracy is something you can’t get elsewhere.”

The VC3 tool was developed by Cenex with funding from the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership. It allows users to specify van size, driving habits, annual mileage, and ownership period, and then provides a cost and carbon emission comparison of the low carbon van options relative to a diesel van.

Within the VC3, users will also find an introduction to the different low-carbon van technologies, including the main operational considerations that may affect a vehicle’s suitability for the user’s operation.

Once users have identified the technologies that can offer lower costs and better environmental performance, the tool provides links to further information, allowing them to find out about vehicle and refuelling equipment availability.

“The VC3 is powered by the Cenex Fleet Carbon Reduction Tool, a vehicle performance simulation that allows the VC3 to provide accurate fuel consumption results from a range of user-defined driving habits,” said Carroll. “It’s one of the few free-to-access, online tools for fleet decision-makers to calculate cost savings through carbon reduction.”

To access the VC3, visit: http://vc3.cenex.co.uk/compare

  • Cenex is the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies and is an independent not-for-profit company. It carries out a range of research and demonstration trials on low-carbon fuels and technology.
