Waste and recycling firm Enva England said it had dramatically reduced its fleet administration and coasted to a silver FORS accreditation after adopting TruTac’s full suite of software solutions.

The company, which runs a fleet of around 75 vehicles, most of which are HGVs, sought out a new provider after its existing system created more admin than it believed was necessary.

It now subscribes to TruTac’s full range, comprising TruLicence, TruControl, TruChecks, TruFleet, and TruLinks.

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“We were using another fleet software system which wasn’t quite doing what we required, particularly with our FORS accreditation journey in mind, so I started researching alternatives,” said John Stephenson, Enva England’s fleet manager.

“I researched TruTac and found it wasn’t anywhere near as demanding in terms of admin. It ticks all of our boxes and works fantastically for us.”

Within four months the company had achieved FORS bronze status and it was then awarded the silver accreditation another four months later.

“We hit the ground running with the software and found that the accreditation was something we could get done reasonably quickly” Stephenson added. “It’s a credit to TruTac and shows how useful and easy to use it really is.”