Transdek UK is highlighting the environmental and cost saving benefits of its Duet urban double-deck trailers on stand 9 at this year’s Freight in the City Expo.

The expo takes place on 7 November at London’s Alexandra Palace and Transdek will be showing its urban trailers, which it claims can carry up to 107% more freight than standard 18-tonne rigid trucks.

Transdek will have two 10.6m Duets on show; an ambient trailer and a multi-temperature trailer. The latter includes a number of specialist quiet features suited for out of hours deliveries in the convenience and grocery retail sectors.

Both models have a tighter turning circle and better maneuverability than rigids without steering axles, according to Transdek.

Mark Adams, MD at Transdek, said: “As a company we are committed to developing supply chain solutions that help drive down the number of deliveries required in urban centres and provide a sustainable distribution model.

“We feel strongly that double deck trailers designed for the urban environment can make a significant impact on cutting the number of vehicles in towns and cities thereby slashing emissions.”
