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The RHA claimed its “extensive lobbying” led to Oxfordshire county council postponing plans to expand a Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ) in Oxford city centre.

The council did not respond to’s enquiry about the reasons why it had decided to halt the expansion of the ZEZ next year; a spokeswoman said: “An expanded zero emission zone is still part of our plan to improve the transport system across Oxford.

“A separate consultation will take place on the expansion of the ZEZ, dates for which will be announced next year.

“The ZEZ pilot will remain in place till then.”

However, the RHA hailed the decision a success and described it as “a win for common sense”.

In a statement posted on social media, the group said: “The news follows extensive lobbying by the RHA.

“Instead, the county council intends to introduce traffic filters on an experimental basis from next summer.

“This will only apply to cars – commercial vehicles are exempt.”

The trial ZEZ launched in February and targeted drivers of all non-zero emission vehicles using certain roads in the city.

It has so far raised almost £120,000 in fines.

The RHA added: “Of course, we all want the cleanest air possible – none more so than the operators of commercial vehicles; trucks and coaches in particular.

“We are already doing all we can to address the issue but the timing of the ZEZ is dependent on the state of the commercial vehicle market to deliver.

“Until zero emission HGVs and coaches become more readily available - and at a price that operators can afford - it will be an uphill struggle.”