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The spiralling price of fuel, lingering disruption caused by the pandemic and supply chain pressures have, perhaps unsurprisingly, been revealed as fleet operators’ top three concerns, according to a survey.

The study of 1,800 global fleet firms by Teletrac Navman found fuel conversion to cleaner alternatives remained a key challenge; with the supply and availability of EVs alongside purchase price and charging infrastructure all causing concerns to operators.

“The last 12 months have created new complexities for fleets, but fuel cost rises are the number one concern for operators globally,” said Alain Samaha, chief executive and president of Teletrac Navman.

“As the cost per gallon of fuel spiked throughout last year, many operators looked to overcome the rising costs with driver behaviour programs and EV transition plans.”

A third of those polled (32%) said that the conversion to next generation fuels is one of their largest areas of expense, second only to purchasing new vehicles.

However, 41% said concerns over the environmental impact of their current fleet meant the transition to cleaner vehicles remained high on their agenda.

Of this number, 30% said they were looking to take delivery of EVs over the next 12 months.