
More safe and secure parking facilities for HGV drivers are key to attracting new people into the industry, a Transport Select Committee MP has told RHA members.

Speaking at a National Lorry Week parliamentary reception on 18 October, Greg Smith (pictured) said: “I see roadside facilities as an absolutely key building block in terms of helping the recruitment and retention of drivers. It’s essential that we up our game in this country.”

Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Road Freight and Logistics, Smith also called for a fuel duty rebate for commercial vehicle operators of at least 15p per litre.

Also in attendance were minister for business Lord Callanan, minister for skills Andrea Jenkyns and around 30 other MPs.

Lord Callanan praised RHA members and the road transport industry for ensuring people get the goods and services they need: “It’s a tribute to the excellent supply chains that have been built up and it’s a tribute to the excellent work RHA members do,” he said, adding that the government is pleased to be working with the RHA on key topics such as skills and decarbonisation.

Rod McKenzie, RHA executive director told guests that the RHA is running campaigns to bring more people into the industry, to secure better facilities for drivers and to chart the right path towards Net Zero.

National Lorry Week takes place between 24-31 October.
