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Insulate Britain blockaded the M25 for the sixth time today (27 September), defying a court injunction issued on behalf of National Highways which could see protestors face heavy fines and even jail.

Protestors blockaded the M25 at Junction 14 this morning near Heathrow. Last week the group changed tactics and blockaded the Port of Dover, resulting in multiple arrests and prompting National Highways to apply for a court injunction to prevent people blocking the M25 and M20.

However the injunction has been ignored today, which pledged to continue its campaign of carrying out protests, mainly on the M25, which began two weeks ago.

The group are demanding the government take action to cut the UK’s emissions by insulating Britain’s housing stock.

It points to research which shows that 20% of Britain’s emissions come from the country’s poorly insulated housing stock and a report by the House of Commons Climate Committee which highlights housing as a key source of emissions that needs to be cut, if the government is to meet its carbon emission targets.

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Announcing the injunctions, the DfT said: “With immediate effect protesters will be in contempt of court if they breach the terms of an interim injunction won by National Highways today.

“Breach of the injunction can be punishable by up to two years in prison and an unlimited fine, serving as a deterrent for anyone thinking of re-joining the disruptive action.”

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps added: “We are absolutely committed to protecting the right to peaceful protest, but it is unacceptable that people cannot go about their day-to-day businesses and that businesses, or critical supplies should be put on a knife’s edge because of the reckless actions of a few protesters.”

However Insulate Britain pledged to carry on with its protests today until its demands are met. A spokesman said: “You can throw as many injunctions at us as you like, but we are going nowhere.

“You can raid our savings and confiscate our property. You can deny us our liberty and put us behind bars. But that is only shooting the messenger.

“The truth is that this country is going to hell unless you take emergency action to stop putting carbon into the air.”