Transport for London (TfL) is calling on hauliers to help it plan a shared charging infrastructure for the capital.

TfL wants fleet operators to take part in a survey which will be used to gain information about how they operate in London and how their decarbonisation plans can be supported.

The anonymous questionnaire includes questions focused on light vehicles, heavy vehicles and coaches.

Contributors will be routed to the corresponding sections depending on their responses. The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Announcing the survey TfL said: While London’s 2030 Electric Vehicle infrastructure strategy outlines the scale of the transition of commercial vehicles to zero emission vehicles and forecasts possible ranges of future charging infrastructure needs, we have a more limited understanding of the specific charging needs for heavy vehicle operators.

We are now working towards expanding our understanding around how we can help these groups and what policy decisions will have the most meaningful impact.

The survey also helps us understand the potential need, viability and appetite for shared charging infrastructure between operators in London and how we could enable and encourage this.

London’s 2030 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy includes plans to unlock Greater London Authority (GLA) land so it can be repurposed for EV charging. TfL estimates up to 1,000 rapid chargers could be accommodated on GLA land.

TfL also plans to support the delivery of shared charging facilities, which can be delivered between third parties to benefit key user groups.

The TfL survey can be found here.