Freight in the City Expo is back this autumn after a successful inaugural event in 2015 that saw more than 650 attendees head to London to learn more about sustainable urban deliveries.

Once again a free-to-attend full-day event, Freight in the City Expo 2016 will be held on 2 November at London’s Alexandra Palace.

Two exhibition halls will showcase the latest clean, safe, quiet equipment for urban goods vehicles, while a complementary seminar programme will provide guidance on the best ways for cities to promote sustainable freight movements.

Key themes for this year’s seminar programme include a look at new mayor Sadiq Khan’s focus on improving air quality in the capital and what implications this will have on commercial vehicle use; methods for reducing city centre congestion, such as consolidation and retiming deliveries; improving vulnerable road user safety; and a look at the latest advancements in alternative fuels and drivelines.

As well as focusing on London’s work through TfL’s freight programmes, such as LoCity and Clocs, we’ll also take a tour around the UK to find out how other cities are handling freight.

The seminars aim to provide guidance for all parties involved in delivery and servicing operations in urban areas, including local authorities, retailers, manufacturers, freight operators and trade associations.

If you have any ideas for topics you’d like us to cover in our seminar programme, please contact with details.

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