
EM Rogers (Transport) “worked through” the twin challenges of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 to report significant increases in revenue and profits and bring it broadly into line with its performance a couple of years ago.

Latest figures for the year ending 31 January 2022 showed that the Northampton haulier increased turnover by 34% to £24.5m.

Pre-tax profits more than doubled to £1.6m, compared with £787,000 the year before.

“In considering the future, the directors are as confident as reasonably possible, given the pressure on business generally,” it said in its business review.

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“Trading continues to be buoyant and so expectations are favourable.”

However, EM Rogers cautioned: “With the country having now left the EU at the end of 2020, the national pressures on staffing and cost increases generally, the outlook remains challenging.

“These areas are the key risks and uncertainties the business faces.

“Nevertheless, as has been shown during this year the directors are confident that they are as well placed as any to cope with business pressures and any new regulations as they arise.”