Driver training

Almost three-quarters of UK fleet managers think poor driving behaviour has a negative impact on their business.

A report into attitudes and safety concerns of European fleet decision makers found that respondents (71%) were most worried about their drivers’ habits and poor behaviour behind the wheel – specifically the use of mobile phones and other devices.

Speeding was their second pressing concern (69%), followed by eating or drinking at the wheel (68%) and driving tired (67%).

Webfleet Solutions, which commissioned the study, said high accident rates and insurance claim incidents suggested that these concerns may be justified, with 68% of UK commercial fleets involved in road collisions every year and 61% of fleets saying they have on average at least one insurance claim a month made against their company.

And while 73% said poor driving behaviour negatively impacts their business, 65% were concerned that it harmed their company’s reputation.

Beverley Wise, Webfleet Solutions sales director, said: “Significant investment is being made in developing more powerful hardware and software to make vehicles safer.

“Telematics, for example, can improve the safety of commercial fleets by offering powerful insights into driver behaviour.”