
Strike action involving 200 DHL drivers based at Sainsbury’s RDC in Dartford has been cancelled after they accepted a 6% pay increase over two years and an enhanced redundancy package.

The drivers, who deliver to the supermarket’s stores across London and the South East, voted overwhelmingly – 94% - in favour of the deal, according to the Unite union.

The deal was struck following talks between DHL’s management, the union and mediated by conciliation service Acas.

A series of strikes due to take place over December, January and February have now been cancelled.

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Phil Silkstone, Unite regional officer, said: “Our members have accepted DHL’s offer of improved pay and terms and conditions, including an enhanced redundancy package. They secured this substantial deal by standing together and acting collectively.

“We are very pleased that all strike action has now been cancelled and that disruption to DHL and Sainsbury’s has been avoided.

“Unite looks forward to working constructively with DHL in the future.”

A DHL spokeswoman said: “We are pleased to have reached agreement at Dartford and that the threat of industrial action has been averted ahead of the peak Christmas period.”