Urban freight deliveries into UK cities must be governed by standardised regulations to avoid confusion for road transport operators, the FTA has warned.

The call follows the government's Cities Devolution Bill announcement last week (14 May), which will see cities that elect their own mayor given control over local transport, housing and skills, such as the current set-up in London.

Christopher Snelling, head of urban logistics and regional policy at the FTA, said: “Government and proposed new authorities should ensure that operators of freight do not have to face differing rules and regulations in order to deliver goods in different cities.

“The FTA has concerns over the future role of elected Mayors in these authorities.  Personality politics can lead to actions led by political image concerns rather than good policy making processes.”

Speaking in Manchester, chancellor George Osborne said the Cities Devolution Bill will be in the Queen's Speech on 27 May.

“This law will pave the way for Greater Manchester – and, importantly, other cities as well, to take greater control and responsibility over all the key things that make a city work, from transport and housing to skills, and key public services like health and social care,” Osborne said.

“It means by the end of this year the legal framework will be set so that any city can proceed to implement a mayoral devolution deal.”