
The DVSA has launched a new Highway Code app for road users to keep up to date with changes.

The government agency said it had been designed for all road users and made it easier to keep informed about the rules of the road.

The app, which is priced at £3.99, offers instant access to the latest version of the Code on tablets and mobile devices.

It also provides quizzes and timed challenge features to help users check their knowledge and track their progress.

A voice over option is available, enabling users to listen as well as read.

A DVSA spokeswoman said: “This new app is intended for all road users, so they can keep up to date with the very latest version of the Highway Code on the move and check their knowledge.

It’s important all road users stay up to date with any changes to the rules of the road.” 

The app is available to download on both Android and iOS platforms.