
A survey by Mercedes-Benz Vans UK has revealed that more than 60% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) plan to switch to electric vehicles.

The latest edition of the quarterly Business Barometer survey, commissioned by the manufacturer, surveyed 500 SMEs.

It found that more than 60% of SMEs surveyed were planning to change from conventional to electric vehicles compared to 20% that said they had no plans to do so and another 20% who said they had yet to decide.

The research also found that 77% of respondents rate developing a sustainable business model as a top priority. Of these 76.9% agreed either ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ with the statement: “Developing a sustainable business model is a top goal for 2022”.

This view was particularly strong among female business leaders, and those aged 25-34, with over 80% agreeing with the statement in both cases. Meanwhile a near-unanimous 20 out of 21 business owners aged 24 or under also gave a positive response to the same assertion, the survey revealed.

Respondents also showed a strong confidence in the targets they had set themselves with more than 70% of respondents saying they believed they would achieve their goals.

Expectation of exacting sustainability standards among businesses colleagues was also high – more than 60% of those surveyed said they would consider ceasing work with a partner or supplier business if they did not uphold their environmental promises.

Kevin Ferris, Mercedes-Benz Vans UK’s head of electric mobility, said: “These figures show that Britain’s army of entrepreneurs are looking ahead positively, and are committed to doing their best to operate in tune with the environment.

“Here at Mercedes-Benz Vans we’re determined to offer the complete mobility solutions that will help them attain their objectives

“We want to understand the issues that keep our customers awake at night, the challenges and opportunities they face, the kind of support they need – and why.

“This window into the way business people think allows us to tailor our products and services to meet their needs.

“But we also hope the Business Barometer surveys can help some of the most important voices in the UK economy – the diverse and hard-working community of van drivers and owners that keeps Britain moving – to be heard more widely.”
