Webfleet pic of trailer

Fleet management solutions provider Webfleet has launched Webfleet Trailer which is designed to help long haul operators monitor the health of their trailer fleets.

Webfleet Trailer operates by flagging trailer malfunctions and maintenance tasks, helping to cut trailer downtimes and extend the trailer’s life.

The trailer management solution is fully integrated into the Webfleet telematics platform, giving fleet operators a one-platform-solution for both their fleet vehicles and trailers. It also connects to all leading Electronic Braking Systems (EBS). which allows it to monitor braking and stability.

Offering real-time visibility of load data, it also helps fleet managers meet compliance on permissible cargo weight and reduces the rollover risk from overloading. Insights such as load status also help fleet operators boost their trailer utilisation and limit empty runs.

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Webfleet Trailer can detect tyre issues early reducing the risk of breakdowns and disruption to schedules. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-equipped trailers have access to live and historical data with notifications of abnormal tyre pressure or temperature, which also helps to extend tyre life.

Taco van der Leij, vice president of Webfleet Europe at Bridgestone Mobility Solutions, said: "With Webfleet Trailer, we are offering a proactive monitoring and reporting tool that goes way beyond 'track and trace.

“Trailers are the backbone of long-haul goods transportation but managing a trailer fleet can be challenging. By providing a one platform solution for all a transport fleet’s vehicles and trailers, with real-time data insights and actionable intelligence, we are supporting these businesses in their quest to maximise trailer performance, save costs and improve safety and security.”