Skills Festival

With schools and colleges closed and businesses having to withdraw volunteers Career Ready has had to put its 2020 programme of face to face activities on hold. To enable students to benefit from interactions with volunteers and mentors Career Ready has launched an online Skills Festival.

Career Ready has partnered with Think Logistics and 40 logistics companies to introduce logistics as a career opportunity to school and college students. They have been shortlisted for this year's Motor Transport Partnership Award.

The Skills Festival comprises of employer-led virtual workshops covering a range of topics from functional skills and industry insights to perfecting a job application. It is designed to give young people the opportunity to speak to employers, develop key skills, and boost their future employability.

It started on April 27 and runs for eight weeks.

So far 228 workshops have been delivered or scheduled, 116 volunteers have signed up to deliver the workshops including several from the logistics sector and 1,621 tickets have been sold so far.

Logistics firms already taking part include:

  • John Lewis Partnership – logistics apprenticeships
  • Coca-Cola – welcome to the world of Coca-Cola logistics
  • Ocado – logistics with robotics and careers at Ocado
  • Mettler Toledo Safeline – CV clinics and virtual masterclasses
  • Europa Worldwide - CV clinics and mock interviews

Volunteers help young people develop crucial workplace skills, transforming their futures and boosting social mobility. Taking part is flexible and can be done by video conference at a time which suits the volunteer and their employer.

Events include skills workshops to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed for a professional environment, industry insights to give students an opportunity to learn about different job sectors and roles and Career Ready masterclasses to help student develop key skills for career success.

To volunteer go to