You would be forgiven for thinking otherwise, but transport firms faced fewer challenges than any other industry sector in August, according to official figures.

The office for national statistics’ business insights report found 53% of transport and storage sector companies reported no challenges at all during the first few weeks of the month.

This compared to just 19.4% of retailers and 26.5% of manufacturers reporting no issues.

Despite the industry holding its breath to see which major name is next to face insolvency proceedings, data suggests companies were in fact enjoying a period of relative calm.

“It’s been a rocky road for transport and storage sector companies over the last few years, as they deal with the fallout from Brexit and global supply chain upheavals,” acknowledged David Jinks, Parcelhero head of consumer research.

“A sizable 52.3% of transport and storage sector companies – a category that includes logistics, freight, mail, couriers, distribution and warehousing firms – reported no particular challenges in the first half of this month.

“That’s notably calmer than last summer, when only 44.4% of transport sector companies reported no challenges.”

For those companies that did report problems, Jinks said competition from rival firms came top of the list, with 21.4% naming a competitor as their main business challenge.

This was followed by economic uncertainty (17.3%) and financial costs (15.6%).

“In manufacturing, insufficient domestic demand was the biggest headache for companies,” said Jinks.

“27% of companies expressing concern, followed by competition from rival companies at 22.7%.

“August so far seems to have thrown fewer challenges at transport and storage companies than other industries,” he added.

“However, the sector does not operate in a vacuum.

“Issues impacting retailers and manufacturers will bite their transport partners further down the line, as struggling companies strive to lower their costs.”