Generation Logistics

A government-funded campaign has been launched this week aiming to tackle the industry’s long-term recruitment issues and future-proof its talent pipeline.

First unveiled by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and Logistics UK at the Multimodal show in June, Generation Logistics will raise awareness of the industry and challenge preconceptions about what working in logistics can offer.

The campaign centres on a new online hub full of resources, learning materials and job openings, alongside partnerships with leading industry bodies, trade associations and vital core businesses across all freight modes including Amazon, DHL, Stobart and Tesco.

Starting with a focus on young adults aged 16-24, it will then target other potential employee groups, including career switchers and maternity- or paternity-leave returners.

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“Our research has revealed that 90% of the population has never considered working in our industry,” explained Phil Roe, president of Logistics UK which has been leading the development of the campaign. “Yet it employs over 2.6 million people. At a time when recruitment of new staff has never been more difficult, this campaign will lift the lid on the opportunities which logistics has on offer and encourage workers of all ages to investigate the careers which our businesses can provide.

"We are hoping to puncture some of the myths around the sector, and provide a clear, practical pathway for those who want to explore whether a career in logistics could be for them - from truck drivers through to data scientists, robotics engineers and everything in-between.”

Added transport minister Karl McCartney: “The last few years have shown how crucial our logistics sector is to both the economy and our daily lives. That’s why we put 33 measures in place to help tackle the effects of a global driver shortage. Since then, the sector has started to recover, and industry bodies are reporting positively on the number of HGV drivers stabilising.

“The Generation Logistics campaign, backed by government funding, will support the sector to grow from strength to strength, helping to recruit and retain a skilled workforce and shift perceptions of the industry. I’d encourage people from all walks of life to seriously consider kickstarting a rewarding and exciting career in logistics right now, with a wide range of opportunities on offer."