Reto Leutenegger has been appointed Managing Director of QUANTRON Switzerland AG, the company’s subsidiary in Switzerland.
Reto Leutenegger is joining the Quantron Switzerland AG Board of Directors in addition to his role as Managing Director. Leutenegger has substantial expertise in the formation and administration of technological firms. He formerly served as Managing Director of E-Force One AG.
Michael Perschke, CEO of Quantron AG: “We are extremely pleased to welcome Reto Leutenegger, Managing Director of Quantron Switzerland AG. Reto complements our team and through his investment in Quantron AG, has also confirmed his confidence in Quantron’s leading technology.”
Andreas Haller, founder and Executive Chairman of Quantron AG: “Reto and I can look back on many years of trustful cooperation during his time at E-Force One. With his extensive experience as managing director of the e-mobility company, he will play an important role in marketing our zero-emission mobility solutions in Switzerland and actively developing the market for our Quantron hydrogen-powered solutions.”
Reto Leutenegger: “The development of alternative drives for the commercial vehicle sector was driven by a few small companies and not by the established vehicle manufacturers. However, some companies will disappear as a result of the market entry of OEMs while others will join forces and use their technological edge particularly when it comes to innovation. Quantron AG has exactly this far-reaching and future-oriented planning concept in order to always remain one step ahead of the existing players in this market and thus actively accelerate the sustainable transformation of the transport industry. It´s great to be driving forward the transformation of our future logistics and transport industry in Switzerland and globally with Quantron Switzerland AG. Quantron AG and E-Force One have already worked together in the past and this gives me the confidence that I can now actively help shape Quantron’s successful course as a member of the management and as an investor”.
Quantron Switzerland AG is part of Quantron’s global expansion strategy. Switzerland, with its robust economy and great transportation infrastructure, provides perfect conditions for shifting to alternate vehicles. Switzerland’s infrastructure for alternative drive systems is likewise increasing quicker than in other comparable countries.