Lincolnshire-based Cartwright Brothers is celebrating its 80th year in business by expanding its fleet, which is sporting a commerorative livery to mark the occasion.

The company was established in 1944 by the four Cartwright brothers - John, James, William and Keith - and is now run by the second generation, with cousins John and Jamie Cartwright heading up the business.

The company, which employs over 100 staff, currently operates over 50 vehicles nationwide, ranging from curtain-sided vans to articulated trucks with trailer mounted forklifts, and offers storage solutions across Lincolnshire, with over 200,000sq ft of warehousing space spread across three sites.

The haulage firm credits much of its success to the company’s ability to adapt its business. Cartwright Brothers co-director Jamie Cartwright points to its decision to join Pall-Ex as an example.

He said: “One of the most positive decisions we have made, which has allowed our business to grow so significantly, was when we decided to join the Pall-Ex network over 20 years ago.

”This has benefitted us not only from a financial standpoint, but technologically too. With Pall-Ex being so forward thinking, it has given us the opportunity to join their vision.”

Cartwright Brothers has been awarded Pall-Ex Depot of the Year four times, with the partnership proving to be a significant success.

Jamie Cartwright also recalled the advances the business has made over the years. He said: ”From driver logbooks, paper tachos, route planning with a road atlas, the list is endless and there is no part of our original business that hasn’t seen progression.”

“We were one of the first hauliers to introduce telephones to our vehicles. Until this time drivers had to use the nearest pay phone to make contact with their transport manager, which is about as far away as you can get from the technology used in modern day transport, with PDA’s, in cab management systems and electronic mirrors.”

Jamie Cartwright also highlighted the important role the company’s staff have played in ensuring the success of the business. He explained; ”The success and longevity of the business can without doubt be attributed to the hard work and dedication of our staff, who exhibit genuine care and loyalty each and every day.

He also thanked the firm’s loyal customers and Pall-Ex. ”We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our fantastic customer base who have also shown great loyalty over the years. We have many customers who have used our services consistently over decades.

”Furthermore, our long-established relationship with the Pall-Ex Group for more than twenty years has been pivotal in providing our customers with a reliable and cost-effective freight solution,” he said, adding; ”We hope that through the dedication of our staff and customers, we can look forward to the next eighty years.”