
Maxi Haulage said that after battling “huge problems” connected to pre-Brexit arrangements in 2019, last year turned out better – albeit well below par.

In its accounts for the period ending 30 September 2020, it said pre-tax profits had increased to £928,000, compared to just £74,000 in 2019.

Turnover was broadly static, rising almost 1% to nearly £64m.

The Irvine headquartered company said capital investments were down significantly due to the changing environment, but they had increased again during the subsequent period.

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But it said Brexit-related problems loomed large and were “a major issue”, due to disruption in traffic flows and volume imbalances.

The company said: “Brexit stock piling followed by driver shortages and issues securing shipping space all added to the difficulties experienced.

“These issues have continued into the next period, particularly in relation to severe driver shortages and a significant switch between shipping into the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland.”

Maxi Haulage added: “Covid also had an adverse impact, however this was managed well with the help of the furlough scheme.”