Fergusons Transport

Cramlington-based Fergusons Transport has expanded its partnership with design specialist Universal Wolf, following a successful tie-in to build and deliver 750 NHS Covid beds.

The haulier said the manufacturer now uses Fergusons trucks and trailers to transport its goods across the country and its “strong business collaboration” has resulted in it investing in Universal Wolf-branded trailers.

During the pandemic, a joint effort between the two companies saw hundreds of beds being made and delivered to hospitals and supported patients at The Nightingale Hospital Birmingham and NHS Louisa Jordan Hospital in Glasgow.

Stuart Arkle, Fergusons’ logistics director, pictured left with Martin McKenna, commercial director of Universal Wolf, said: “This investment is another sign of our commitment in the growing partnership between two Northumberland companies.

“Universal Wolf have a strong presence in Blyth and whilst Ferguson Transport HQ is now based in Cramlington, Blyth is where the business was formed and is part of our DNA.

“Despite the pandemic and the aftershocks of Brexit, we have continued to increase our accounts and deliver Universal Wolf home grown designed and fabricated quality products throughout the UK.”

At the start of 2021, Fergusons said a reduction in revenue from handling goods in its warehouse division last year was more than compensated by additional storage charges and increased demand for capacity.