Tom Clarke (left) and Matt Stammers (right), YDL

Employees at YDL, part of the APC delivery network, recently tackled the ‘12 Peak Challenge’, scaling the heights of the tallest mountains in Britain for local charities.

Commercial director Tom Clarke and operations director Matt Stammers took on the three highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales over four consecutive weekends, which added together was higher than climbing Everest.

The three peaks in England are Scafell Pike, Sca Fell and Helvellyn; in Scotland they are Ben Nevis, Ben Macdui and Braeriach and the three highest mountains in Wales are Snowdon, Garnedd Ugain and Carnedd Llewelyn.

On the fourth weekend the two men finished with a 24-hour National three peaks challenge.

The charities chosen were York Against Cancer, The Encephalitis Society, St. Leonard’s Hospice and Martin House Children’s hospice.

Clarke said: “The four charities were specially selected by us as part of YDL’s ongoing commitment to local community charity work, having worked with all of them previously. All four charities work tirelessly in the region to provide valuable support and we’re proud to know that every penny we raised helps this work continue.”

The achievement came as YDL also announced the acquisition of a new 30,000 sq ft site in West Yorkshire, allowing the firm to expand on its overnight and sameday parcel collection and delivery services to businesses across North and West Yorkshire.