
CitySprint experienced a 41% rise in same day retail deliveries in June, but saw a 15% drop in orders during the Olympic games.

The same day distribution company reported that orders were up 10% on figures for April and May, during a month of unseasonably wet weather that saw shoppers avoiding the high street.

Patrick Gallagher, CitySprint chief executive, said: “Whilst delivery volumes fluctuate throughout the year, June was a particularly strong month for us, and I suspect that this had something to do with the weather.

"It was the wettest June on record – so it’s not surprising that so many shoppers chose to get their purchases delivered right to their door.”

Despite the rise in deliveries in June, the company experienced a lull in orders over the Olympic period, which Gallagher puts down to people choosing to watch the Games rather than go shopping.

He said: “August is traditionally a slower month for retailers anyway, but now that the Olympics is over we’re looking forward to business getting back to normal.”

The company employs over 2,000 couriers nationwide and handles over three million deliveries per year.