
We're becoming an ever more demanding bunch when shopping online, according to a new European-focused analysis of the global 2013 UPS Pulse of the Online Online Shopper report.

With the likes of smartphones and tablets making ordering something online about as easy as it's likely to get - at least until Amazon launches a service providing a direct link to your brain called Neural Prime - consumers are becoming increasingly demanding in regards deliveries.

Only this week we heard that John Lewis would be trialling the CollectPlus service for customers' collections of goods ordered online, not just returns.

UPS's report analysis, produced by ComScore, found that online shoppers in the UK valued flexibility, with almost half (45%) wanting more of it when choosing a delivery date, and just over a third (35%) pushing for improved options for collecting packages at retail locations.


Almost all of those surveyed (96%) said the ability to track a purchase is something they want (with varying degrees of importance). 38% of online shoppers wanted to see an improvement in the process of returning or exchanging goods too.

  •  The European analysis of the full Pulse report quizzed more than 5,500 shoppers from six European countries.