The Zemo Partnership has welcomed the government announcement of over £200m funding for an extensive zero emission road freight (ZERF) demonstrator programme.

Andy Eastlake, Zemo Partnership's chief executive said: "We welcome this important step on the way to a zero emission HGV fleet in the UK. With many of our members already fully committed and involved in the feasibility work, we know that this funding can really move the dial.

"Zemo has been supporting the Department for Transport and its delivery partners throughout the journey to low - and now zero - emission HGVs and will continue to play a major role in supporting the demonstration programme as well as helping to disseminate the learnings as they emerge.

"It's important to note that the demonstration programme competition will be open to collaborations between vehicle suppliers, operators as well as infrastructure and energy supply companies; decarbonising transport is going to require an even more collaborative approach involving actors across a wider range of sectors than ever before.

"The vital road freight sector is one of the most challenging to move to zero emissions, but with the innovation we see today, matched by the commitment and funding from government, plus the undoubted ambition of our members, we're confident of seeing real progress towards the decarbonisation of our freight sector matched, we hope, by the decarbonisation of the goods they deliver."